It feels good to be back

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Georgia's: POV

Dear diary: I start feeling much better, but I still have to say I'm fine at least hundred times in school today. I wish I could turn back the time.

I arrived to school in time. Nosh saw me and he ran up to me. "Hey Noah." I said and kissed him. "I've missed you so much." he replied. "I've missed you too." I said and he smiled.

"Omg Georgia." replied Echo and hugged me. "Is she okay, is everything alright with her?" she asked. "Echo, I'm right here." I said. "It's so good to have you back, I have missed you so much." she replied.


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We walked to the classroom and Grabiella was so happy to see me. She's my favorite teacher. "Are you okay now?" she asked. "Yes." I said for the last time. "It's good to have you back." she replied. "It feels good to be back." I said, but it sounded more like a lie.


Claire's: POV

"Can someone make me a doll and order home pizza?" asked Addy. "Addy is so spoiled." I whispered. "Tell me about it." said Adam and smiled.

"I can make a doll to you." replied Emily. "Has he always been this spoiled?" I asked. "Yes." said Adam. "Don't hate me just because I'm handsome." replied Addy. "Oh my." I said shocked. He smiled sweetly at us.

(Claire is shocked of how spoiled Addy is)

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(Claire is shocked of how spoiled Addy is)

"Thank you Em." I said. "No problem." she replied. "What kind of doll do you want?" she asked. "I want a Jack doll." he said. "Aww." she replied. Emily made a Jack doll to me. Addy loved him so much. Addy got his pizza too.

(The Jack doll)

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(The Jack doll)

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

Georgia and Noah are together

I hope you liked the chapter


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