III. The Show Must Go On

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Inside the confused cabins, people were arguing and knocking each other down.

"What are you doing? Push the button right now!'

"Get out of my way! If you don't press it, I will!"

"Are you all crazy? They haven't pressed it yet either. What's the matter with you?"

"If we're a little late, we'll all die! You have to press it in advance!"

Two ships.

Two bombs

Two buttons.

The ship that pressed the button can live 'unconditionally'.

However, the moment you do not press the button, you 'may die'.

In fact, if you think about it rationally and realistically, there is no reason to press it.

If there is a button in front of you, no one will press it unless there is a lunatic who wants to press everything.

The situation is not like "Well, there are only prisoners on the other ship so those crazy bastards will press it!"

But also not "Both ships will explode if you don't press the bomb!"

So if you think about it rationally, it is a win if you stay still. There is no need to press it.

Then! If you think about it rationally, there is no reason to press it, or can't you just stop them from thinking rationally?

So my agitators quickly started incitement and fabrication!

"I'm telling you they're going to press it! I know everything!"

"That's right! We have to press it first to survive! Do you have any guarantee that they won't press it? In this world, you either kill or be killed!"

That is why I put the agitators equally on two ships.

Even before people can think rationally, they will spread the rumors that if they do not press the button first, they will die.

As a result, people with a weak mentality will instantly feel anxious and scared.

Rational judgment will be blurred and eventually transformed into collective madness.

"Let's press it first before they do!"...

Of course, however, it is now likely to lead to a fight between sense and sensibility.

The Sensibility, which is terrified by the incitement, would tell them to press that button immediately.

However, as time goes by, it will be the 'sense' that comes to their mind.


Because they will slowly realize over time.

"The other ship still hasn't pressed the button either!"

The woman's scream shook the hall.

That's right.

People started to realize as time went by.

The other side has not pressed the button to blow their ship yet.

If you think about it, there is no reason for them to press the button.

The stage I set up is perfect.

First, I contacted the people to get them on the ships and then cut off the Internet.

Wifi? LTE? Nothing will be working.