XIX. The End Of The World

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If you tie people to the rail and just leave the train running, it will hit five people, but if you turn the lever, only the one that was tied on the other track will be hit. So will you turn the lever?

Egostic made a dilemma.

In fact, it's a quite philosophically well-known dilemma.

The so-called "Trolley Dilemma".

If the train keeps running, it hits five people. But if you turn the lever, it only hits one person.

In a utilitarian way, it's right to turn the lever. Since four people can be saved.

But can you really turn it?

It's a sad accident when the train hits five people. In this world, they might consider it as a sad terrorist attack. But if you turn the lever, it's not an accident anymore. It's an accident when five people die, but once the lever is turned, you will be the one who killed that one person. The one who didn't have to die will die because you turned the lever.

...Well, it's this kind of dilemma.

And I embodied this dilemma in the real world. Stardus had made a brilliant breakthrough by taking action from a situation that cannot be solved in a verbal dilemma.

She did not even think about where to turn the lever and head the train.

She stepped up and stopped the train herself.

Stardus has superpower.

She is different from a man with double abilities like me. She is powerful, and she can fly in the sky at the same time. .They are called superhuman strength and flying ability to be exact.

She also has double abilities, so her abilities are a little flawed like me. Of course, not as much as I am.

For superhuman strength, the one that has this ability only can collapse buildings alone. The same thing for the one who has flying ability only, that person can fly at Mach's speed in the sky. Of course, both are heroes in the U.S.

Stardus isn't at the same level as them. She's powerful but not enough to make a building collapse in one punch, and she cannot fly at a supersonic speed.

...And of course, as the ones who have double abilities, we still have some flaws, but she's much better than I am... Still, it's true that she's a little lacking.

Of course, people with double abilities are pretty rare, and the superhuman strength and flying ability are very compatible so that's why she got graded as class A, but there are at least 2% of disappointment.

But she's the main character of this comic.

The unique characteristic that differs from others is the improvement of her abilities.

The ability that helps her go through hardships and adversity to become stronger.

That's why I arranged an event for her to strengthen her muscles.

Make Stardus Great Again.

Honestly, she wasn't able to stop the running train, but when the actual situation came, she was filled with the desire to save every person.

And her favorability has also improved.

Somehow her popularity, which dropped after confronting me, has risen again because of this chance. Her action of throwing herself like a clamp to block the train has impressed people who watched it on television across the country.

It was good that people started to like Stardus again.

But why did a love scandal break out?
