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    "I love you," I promise with a stupid grin, my eyes locking with Max's oh-so-familiar deep, pitch-black ones. His eyes seem to soften under the words and the smirk I've grown to see every damn day of my life blooms on his face.

    "Oh, I know you do, Sophia," he replies haughtily, and I suppress the urge to roll my eyes before his hands are cupping my face and his lips are on mine.

    And then everything is brilliant, bright, vivid. An explosion of blue here, a firework of pink there. I'm drowning in this moment and he's the raft, the life vest, the anchor, the only damn thing keeping me from sinking or might I dare... becoming weightless and floating away. I wouldn't know. I need more, more now, and all of a sudden I'm hungry even though it's been less than thirty minutes since my last meal.

    Then someone yells "CUT!", and just like that it's all over. The sweet, slightly haughty Max turns back into an arrogant, annoying brat. Of course, the change isn't immediate. There's always that one moment when Ma- I mean Liam, still looks completely innocent. Every time, I let myself hope, let myself believe 'maybe this time he changed'. But like every time before this one, he blinks and his eyes harden again. This time, however, he leans in to whisper in my ear. My breath catches, and then turns to rage when he decides to grace me with his snark.

    "Elise," he purrs aggressively in my ear, like a kitten gone feral, "You could really use a breath mint." And then his hot breath and cool facade are gone. My fists are still clenched at my side and I pray desperately to whatever god (or gods) that's out there for him to somehow magically remain as Max and not turn back into the jerk that is Liam. Or even better, for him to die in a dumpster fire. I really wouldn't mind if he accidentally fell into a garbage can full of flammable waste, that I just so happened to toss a lighter onto. Hey, I wouldn't actually do it. But I have thought about it, maybe once, or twice, or okay fine a hundred times.

    Let me rewind. I'm Elise, Elise Wilson: supermodel, teenage actress, singer, dancer, and fun fact... secretly obsessed with reading. I'm 'pretty', I guess, at least that's what people tell me. I'll confess, I mostly focus on those minute imperfections I possess, like a normal human being, god forbid I ever become an arrogant ass like Liam. Did I mention how much he makes me want to punch that stupid smirk off his face? If I have, screw it, I'll just mention it again for good measure. But I would be lying if I said we don't have chemistry, in a twisted both-are-incredible-actors sort of way. He's conceited and pompous and snooty in every possible way, but the one thing I can't deny is his ability to get lost in his character, in his role.

    When he's Max and I, Sophia, I forget 'Liam' and 'Elise'. They're side-characters, insignificant, both their insecurities and animosity with each other minuscule and unimportant, no, unimpressive. They. Are. Nothing. It's why it's so easy for me to lose myself in Max when in reality I want to kill him in the most brutal ways. At least, that's how I convince myself the attraction I feel is justified.

    "Elise?" my mother calls, startling me from my murderous thoughts. Her voice is clear-cut and smooth as always, the warmth in her tone easing the chill that had gathered mere moments before, like a hot knife on a stick of butter that had been yanked out of a freezer. I fight the urge to run up and strangle her in a hug as both a punishment for being gone all week and a reward for being back.

    "Yes ma'am?" I joke, saluting her playfully.

    She tuts affectionately.

    "We both know I'm not nearly that old yet. So save your fake respect for someone more annoying, like that co-actor of yours." She links her arm through mine and I lean my head on her shoulder. It's a safe place, a harbor, and if acting is the open ocean, then Mom is my anchor. From day one of what was to become my career she has been by my side, my best friend in every way possible. We don't have the usual mother-daughter relationship, she and I: she knows everything about me, from my first crush to my biggest insecurities, everything.

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