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The rest of the guys were on vacation, enjoying themselves after the world cup victory in Brazil. Everyone was poud of the team because they had guven their country the fourth star, being the first European nation to win the cup in Latin America. Marco knew that he would have been at home sulking about not being able to be at the most important tournament of his career if it wasn't for Jude. She made him happy and she gave him a reason to smile when he was feeling down. He still was a bit upset about missing out on the world cup, especially now that they had won, becaus he wanted to be a part of that moment. But she kept him company and helped distract him from his negative thoughts. 

He got up that summer morning, ready to start the day. He would be going to his therapy first, then he would spend some time with Jude and her mum at the bakery. The summer brought all kinds of people to the bakery, most of which were tourists. Mrs. Wopschall loved having him at the bakery because it was good for business, and when Marco offered to help around the bakery, she put him at the register so that everyone could see him. Marco didn't mind because Jude was waitressing for the people who came to the cafe section and he had a nice view of her from the register. With the two working outside of the kitchen, that gave Mrs. Wopschall more time to cook and bake.

Just as he was leaving his apartment, he got a text message. Marco got his cellphone out of his pocket to check who it was from. He was getting a message from Mario, who was vacationing somewhere in the Carribean with his girlfriend.

Marco slid his thumb over his phone screen and typed his password to unlock.

The message opened up instantly.

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): hey, we were all very surprised with your twitter post yesterday.

Marco crinkled up his nose in confusion. Why was it that his friends found it so strange that he had a girlfriend now? 

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): yeah i know i haven't dated anyone in a while.

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): its not the fact that you're dating someone, its just who you're dating.

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): how did that even happen?

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): since when did you know...

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): you were in love with jude?

So, maybe he and Jude hadn't gotten on when they played FIFA against each other? Marco was only trying to figure things out. But that didn't explain why the rest of his mates were so surprised. There was no way they could dislike Jude because they didn't even know her.

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): we had already seen each other at the cafe where jude works. but one day we decided to meet up for a real football match.

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): from the first moment i saw jude, i knew i was in love.

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): i kind of suspected when you were obsessed with bvbfan007, but i never thought it would be true.

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): well its true. i love jude. maybe you and ann katrin can double date with us some time!

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): or jude and i can find you a friend ;)

Marco was never very fond of Ann Katrin. He thought that she wasn't actually in love with Mario, she only seemed to enjoy being seen with him in public. He would need to ask Jude to help him find a good girl for Mario to date. But like in any relationship, things wouldn't work as long as Mario wanted someone else.

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): no thanks...

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): i'm still good with ann katrin.

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): think about it.

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): well gtg, i have therapy and then i'm going to see mein liebe jude. 

mario (+089 xxxxxxxx): okay, take care! you know you have my support. we're bestfriends.

There it was again.

Another of his friends insisting he had their support. 

marco (+040 xxxxxxxx): thanks bro!

"Put your cellphone away, Mario." Ann Katrin whined. 

They were on a yacht, somewhere in the Carribean, enjoying the summer after the world cup victory. In another few days, Mario would need to return to Germany, where he would resume training with Bayern. When they decided on where they would go, they had also decided they would try to abstain from using their cellphones. Their vacation was their opportunity to relax before they would have another busy several months.

But he thought this was too much of an important issue to wait until his return.

Mario set his cellphone down on the table in front of him and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, Ann. But I needed to talk to Marco and see what that was all bout." Mario thought maybe there was some mistake, but it was confirmed by his conversation with Marco.

"Oh." She nodded, smacking her lips together with a complete lack of interest. "I saw his tweet yesterday too."

"I talked to the rest of my mates to see what they thought about it. We were all shocked." Mario continued, "Its obviously nothing bad that he has different preferences. But we just never expected that Marco was into men."

Ann shrugged. "So Marco is gay. All you can do is support him. To be honest, I always suspected it. He was always too concerned about his hair and his body."

Mario crinkled up his nose as he thought about it. "But constantly telling him I support him might make him fee strange. I don't want him to think I see him differently. He's still Marco, he's still my bestfriend. Nothing about him is different except for that one detail."

His girlfriend rolled her eyes. She was done talking about anything that had nothing to do with her. "Just forget about it and enjoy your vacation. You earned it."

Mario finally sighed. "You're right. But I just keep thinking about Marco and why he took so long to tell me. I thought he trusted me. Or maybe he was just afraid of our reactions...I mean, look at me, I'm overthinking things." He grabbed his phone off the table and hit the power button to turn it off. "I'm going to stop thinking about this. Marco is still Marco, and he's still my friend. I won't see him any different."

But he feared that others wouldn't be as accepting towards his friend.


update. so now it is confirmed that mario thinks his bestfriend likes a man. over the next few chapters, there will be the reactions of other team mates and other things. so i hope you all liked the update. please give it a nice vote.

i love you.

-clary xx

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