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The night of the dinner, Jude had tried hard to look her best. She wanted to make a good impression with Marco's friends and team mates since it would be her first time meeting all of them. 

She and her mother had gone shopping, and Grace seemed to go overboard. Grace picked out about five dresses for Jude to wear, as well as ten different pairs of shoes, make up, jewelry, and hair extensions. As much as Marco insisted that he loved her hair as it was, Jude had hair extensions put in her hair to make it seem long. Now she looked like she did when she and Marco first met.

Marco arrived at her house a few minutes before seven and he was breathless when he saw her. Jude went to open the door, wearing a long midnight blue dress, her hair was done into soft waves, and her make up was light. He already thought her beautiful, but now he was certain she would be the envy of all the women at the dinner. 

He led her to his car that was parked out front and helped her into the car. There was some traffic in Dortmund because of a combination of things. There were people getting out of work and returning home for the night. Then there was the fact that the team dinner was taking place, and the media was stationed outside to get pictures of the famous footballers with their dates. Jude and Marco were the very last to arrive at the venue.

There was valet parking, and Marco hurried around to help his date out of the car. As the door to the car opened, the crowd waiting outside held their breaths in anticipation. This was the moment they had all been waiting for. After months of hoping to meet the person Marco Reus was dating, a man named Jude Wopschall, they would finally get to see what he looked like. But what their eyes saw shocked them more than hearing about Marco Reus' supposed preferences. Stepping out of the car was not a man, but a young woman with long brunette hair and a shy smile directed at all the watchful eyes.

It only took about a second for the press to recover before the flashes of pictures being taken nearly blinded the two. They both brought a hand to their faces to keep the flashes from hurting their eyes. Taking her hand in his, Marco led his date into the venue.

As they disappeared into the building, many members of the press remained confused.

They didn't know if the young woman was actually his date, or an attempt at stopping the rumors of the Borussia Dortmund footballer's preference for men.

Even so, they had the picture to go along with their next headline.

Inside the building was a similar situation.

All the players greeted each other and started having side conversations while they waited for dinner to be announced, but in the back of their mind, they all knew they were waiting for two more people to arrive. And they were the most important people because of all the attention they had been getting over the recent months.

When the front doors opened, everyone immediately went silent. Jude felt nervous with all those people looking at her. But they weren't just looking. Most of the people there had their eyes widened in surprise, and jaws dropped in shock. It was like they had never met a girlfriend of Marco's before.

"Why is everyone staring?" She whispered to her date. Jude almost wanted to hide behind Marco to avoid having people looking at her. She also considered turning around and leaving. But they were already there.

He shrugged at her question. He was also confused.

"Maybe they're just surprised I finally have a girlfriend." He guessed. It was the only reason he could think of as to why they would all be staring at them like that. They were being strange now, but they had also been strange around him for months in the locker room, as well as on social media.

With everyone still watching them, he led her to the group of his friends. They seemed the most surprised. 

Once he was within a small distance from Mats, the dark haired footballer pulled him in for a hug, which Marco found unexpected. But the reason was to whisper a question into his ear while Jude stood a few feet off. 

"Where is Jude?" Mats wondered.

He, like everyone else at that party, was expecting for Marco to show up with another man.

Confused, Marco turned away, pulling away from his friend's embrace, and gestured to the young woman standing there shyly. "This is Jude." He said.

Mats took one look at her and couldn't connect what Marco's words meant. Instead, his conclusion was something completely far from the truth.

Pulling Marco close once again, he asked another question, "Are the boobs fake?" The last thing he wanted was for Jude to overhear his questions. He didn't want him to feel bad or judged by everyone else.

Marco shot him a glare. "What the fuck are you talking about, Mats? Why would you ask that? Her boobs are completely real. She's perfect." He hissed.

Pia cocked an eyebrow at them. "She?"

"Her?" Mats added.

"Yes!" Marco answered with a nod of his head.

The realization sank in for Mats' girlfriend Pia before it did for him. As she thought of all the assumptions and plans they had made about Jude, Pia broke out into a fit of laughter. "Oh my gosh, Marco. This is like something out of a movie." She said through her laughs. She leaned against Mats' arm to keep herself from falling over in her laughs.

But Marco seemed all but amused. He was completely serious as he asked her, "Why are you laughing? What is so funny?"

Jude, who was standing a few inches behind them now, watched them all with curiosity. 

"Mate," Mats began to explain to him since Pia was unable to. He was embarrassed, and so were the rest of his friends. Some were even too embarrassed to speak. But Mats forced the words out. "There's a misunderstanding here. We all thought Jude Wopschall was a man."


dun dun dun.

the chapter came out pretty short. but its okay. im going to get ready now bc im going to the park with my friend ^.^

thank you for reading. enjoy the update!

blessings, clary xx

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