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Grace walked out of her bedroom in a simple strapless red dress and matching shoes. Her long jet black hair was straightened and she wore red lip stick on her lips, as she often did. As she reached the front door, Jude spotted her and called out, "Have fun, mom."

"You too, sweetie!" Grace called back, and quickly added, "But not too much fun. Be a good girl."

A blush crept onto her daughter's cheeks. "Marco and I will behave." She promised.

And Grace Wopschall left her house reassured. She went to wait outside for Bastian who said he would arrive at seven. He was exactly on time and Grace was impressed by the car he drove up in, and even more so by the handsome footballer inside the car. Likewise, Bastian was pleasantly surprised when he got out of the car to greet his date and he got a good look at her. 

"You must be Grace." He grinned, opening his arms out to pull her into a small embrace. He had assumed she was Grace Wopschall by the description Marco had given of her. The jet black hair, the porcelain skin, the red lips, and a shy but friendly smile. He smiled to himself as he thought that Marco's comparison was correct. She faintly reminded him of the Disney princess she shared similar features with. And he had also assumed she was Jude's mother because, like most people, Bastian still thought Jude was a man.

Bastian had to admit that Grace looked very young to be the mother of a twenty year old.

Pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Grace said, "And you're Bastian."

He would have been surprised if she didn't know who he was.

Looking behind her, the Munich footballer asked, confused, "Where are Jude and Marco?" He was very curious to see the young man who seemed to be making his team mate crazy, as well as the topic of all gossip on social media. He had only seen the famous Jude in a photograph Marco had posted on twitter, and he could only see half of Jude's face.

At his question, Grace frowned. "My little Jude got sick, so they'll be staying home tonight."

"Then they'll have to accompany us another day." Bastian smiled. Turning back to his car, he went to open the passenger side door for his date. "Let's go."

Grace nodded and got in the car, curious as to where they would be going.


Bastian parked at a place called Zapata: Mexican Bar

She looked the place over, it looked nice on the outside. But she was nervous, she had never gone to a bar before. She had spent all her youth taking care of her daughter and never had the time to go out or make many friends. The only ones she had were people who were regulars at the bakery.

The German footballer cut the engine off and got out of the car. Trying to impress his date, he hurried to her door and got it open for her. Grace stepped out of the car and followed Bastian into the Mexican themed bar. At the entrance, there was a man checking for ID's to make sure people were of the legal drinking age, but when he saw the famous footballer, he let them both by without a question.

Bastian led Grace to a table near the back, and they sat next to each other on some high stools. On the table in front of her was a menu of drinks, as well as a basket with different kinds of Mexican chilie sauce, lemon wedges, and salt shakers. 

The walls were all adorned by Mexican beer advertising posters, neon signs, and fake palm tree leaves. The televisions were playing Mexican music loudly, and in the background, Grace could hear the sound effects of the ocean, to make the guests feel as though they were really down by the beach in Mexico.

"What do you want to drink?" Bastian asked, shouting over the loud music. Neither of them understood what the lyrics meant, but it sounded like a good song.

Grace shrugged her shoulders, looking at the colorful menu and shouted back, "I don't know, I've never drank alcohol before." 

"The Margaritas here are the best." He commented, hoping that would help narrow down her selection. But as her eyes fell onto the menu once more, the whole page had different types of margarita drinks; coconut margaritas, peach margaritas, pink lemonade margaritas. Grace didn't know where to start. She grabbed the menu and flipped it over. On the back were food items and the different types of beer they served.

Before she could make her decision, a young waitress came by to take their orders. "What will you be having tonight?" She asked them.

"I'll have a beer to start." Bastian said. The girl nodded and jotted down his order. Then, she looked to Grace, awaiting her answer.

"I'll have a pink lemonade margarita." Grace blurted out, picking the first thing she could think of.

"Blended or on the rocks?" The waitress asked.

Grace had no idea what that was.

"Excuse me?" She bit her lip, hoping the girl would explain to her.

"Blended," The waitress repeated politely, "Or on the rocks? You know, with ice..."

"On the rocks." Grace finally replied.

"Can we get some chips and salsa too?" Bastian wondered, smiling at the girl taking their order.

"Sure." She said.

Then she walked off, leaving them to wait for their drinks. Bastian turned in his seat to look at Grace. "You're a tough one, Gracie." He joked. "Getting your drink on the rocks is much stronger than getting it blended. When they blend it, the ice wears down the intensity of the drink."

Grace's eyes widened in surprise, "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I thought you knew what you were doing." He shrugged.

"Evidently I did not." She countered.

Their waitress returned minutes later with their drinks. She set a bottle Paulaner beer in front of him and a large margarita glass with her drink in front of Grace. She observed her drink for a few moments, while Bastian took a swig of his beer.

"This is too big." Grace said. "I can't drink this on my own."

"Yes you can." He encouraged. Grabbing the margarita glass from the stem and lifting it up, holding it to her red lips. "Come on, Grace. Have some fun. We're both adults, we can drink responsibly."

That was all it took to convince her. She took the glass from him, closed her eyes tight and took a long swig. The cold liquid went down her throat and she scrunched up her face. It was her first time drinking alcohol, and she had always thought it would taste sweet. But it was a strong alcoholic taste that wasn't so great. But somehow, she continued drinking it.

It was the first time Grace Wopschall went out with someone, and the first time she went out without worrying about her daughter.

Jude was in good hands with Marco.

Tonight was Grace's night to have fun.


ayeee, this chap is about grace and basti, and the next one will most likely be about them as well. so i hope you all are liking this story. i kind of want to make this the same amount of chapters as "FIFA", and that story was sixteen chapters, so this one will most likely be sixteen as well.

we are at number six, which means there will be about ten more updates at the most. 

thank you so much for reading. i based this drinking experience off mine two weeks ago with my university friends. and i looked it up, there are mexican bars in germany. lucky me bc that's the only one i could describe since i have only been to a mexican and a hawaiian one where they also sold burgers. i didnt drink that time tho.

-clary xx

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