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*private twitter group chat*

@mariogoetze added @_esmuellert

@mariogoetze added @bschweinsteiger

@mariogoetze added @mertesacker

@mariogoetze added @philipp_lahm

@mariogoetze added @lewy_official

@mariogoetze added @manuel_neuer

@mariogoetze added @mats_hummels

@mariogoetze added @woodynho

mariogoetze: shit, i accidentally added marco. quick someone block him so he can be removed from this conv.

*@mariogoetze has blocked @woodynho*

@woodynho has left the conversation

*@mariogoetze has unblocked & followed @woodynho*

mariogoetze: guys we need to talk about something CRUCIAL.

bschweinsteiger: hallo! :)

mertesacker: hi everybody.

@mats_hummels added @pia_klein

mariogoetze: @ mats wtf man? this is a mens only chat room!

mats_hummels: i dont do anything without pia :p

pia_klein: suck it, mario, lol ^.^

pia_klein: @ mats aww babyy :*

_esmuellert: if pia's here then im inviting LISA<3

@_esmuellert added @lisa_mueller

lewy_official: why r we all here??

@lisa_mueller has left the conversation.

bschweinsteiger: bahaha thomas!

manuel_neuer: let me console u haha

@_esmuellert added @lisa_mueller

lisa_mueller: i thought he added me by mistake...

mariogoetze: can we get to the REAL issue here?

philipp_lahm: wat is the real issue, chipmunkk?

mariogoetze: @ philipp -.-

mariogoetze: guys can we talk about marco and jude? how do we all feel about this? im happy for them, but i gotta admit its a bit strange to know marco is into that type of thing.

pia_klein: SHAME on U mario.

pia_klein: they're in love, i support them 100%

mats_hummels: same

mariogoetze: i support them too! i just dont want people to treat them weird. marco is my best friend, u know.

mats_hummels: @ mario maybe u just dnt want ppl to think ur gay by association

mertesacker: i think theyll b fine as long as they kno we support thm.

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