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After Marco tweeted about his relationship with Jude Wopschall, fans and the media alike went into a frenzy and set out to find out who the mystery person was. From what they could gather about her name, they were just as confused as his team mates and thought she was a male. It didn't help much that her profile was on private and her avatar was the BVB logo. 

Jude wasn't one to take pictures often.

She also wanted to stay out of the media as much as possible. Jude knew the amount of fame football players had, especially the ones who were chosen to represent their national team. And she just knew she would get hate from people if she posted anything about Marco for everyone to see. 

She chose to keep her life as private as possible.

But Marco was different. He wanted everyone to know he was in love with Jude Wopschall. 

When the bakery closed for the day in the afternoon, Marco took Jude and Grace back to their house, as had become their new routine. Jude quickly changed into BVB training pants that she had stolen from Marco and her favorite jersey with his name on the back. Before they left her house, Marco took a picture with his girlfriend. She was kissing him on the cheek and only one side of her face was visible, while he was smiling wide into the camara.

He immediately went to post it on his twitter account.

woodynho: jude and i about to go play some footie! twitpic.com/13nn56nbh6b56vvgfcv4k

In another part of Dortmund, Mats had already returned from his vacation with his girlfriend Pia and he got a notification on his phone. woodynho has just uploaded a picture! 

Mats slid his thumb across the screen and the twitter app was opened. Pia was sitting on the couch with Mats, cuddled up beside him while they watched a scary movie together. Those were Mats' favorite because he had an excuse to hold his girlfriend close. Her curious eyes looked at the picture on his cellphone screen where she saw Marco and Jude. "Oh, how cute." She squealed in delight. On various occasions, she and Mats had tried to hook Marco up with mutual female friends of theirs, but things never seemed to work out for them. Now they knew, or thought they knew, why. "It looks like Marco really loves his boyfriend."

"He looks a little girly though." Mats commented, crinkling up his nose. Something in Jude's face gave him the suspicion that Jude was probably the most sensitive one of the two.

"But he's a cute boy." Pia argued. 

"Hey!" Mats pouted. 

"Not cuter than you, Matsy." She pinched his cheek playfully, "But he looks like a child, how old is he?"

Mats searched for Jude on Marco's follow list. Jude wasn't following a lot of people, and not many people were following him. "It says on his bio that he's twenty years old." He soon added an observation, "His profile is private and his avatar is the BVB logo, he must be a shy boy."

"He's probably afraid of what people will think." Mats' girlfriend reasoned.

Sighing, Mats said, "I hope they don't get a lot of hate for this." He closed his twitter app and slid his phone back into his pocket.

"I doubt it." Pia said with a shake of her head. "People are more supportive nowadays, they're more open to new ideas and new ways of living life. It isn't as much of a social stigma as it used to be. And if anyone dares to say anything negative to them, they have us to support them. Marco is your friend, he needs us more than ever. This must be a difficult time for both Jude and Marco."

"I think its good that Marco doesn't seem to care that people may think negatively about this." Mats finally said.  "That's the most important thing."

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