Chapter 43

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Izuku had wandered around the campus until he stumbled upon one of the training gyms. It was empty and unlocked, so he helped himself in. Aside from the research he'd done on it as a kid, he didn't remember this campus, so he was honestly just exploring. He needed something to take his mind off of Katsuki and Shoto. 

"So I can control my quirk now?" Izuku mused aloud to himself, rubbing absently at his wrist. He remembered how Shinsou had phrased the statement earlier, you can't control your quirk yet. That implied he'd figured it out in the year and some change he'd lost. 

He threw his head back with a sigh as the lightning from his quirk crackled to life and disappeared within seconds. "Wish I could at least remember that." 

He hadn't felt so useless since he'd gotten the damn quirk. He couldn't remember over a year of his life. He couldn't remember how he ended up at his dream school, how Eraser Head arrested them, how he... how he ended up dating not only his biggest bully but the number two pro hero's son. What the fuck had happened? 

"I'm so pathetic," he moaned, dropping to his knees in the center of the empty building. "I hit my head on a counter and forgot over a year of my life? Who fucking does that? Useless, useless, useless." Each word was punctuated with a hard smack to his own head. If nothing else seemed to work, maybe he could knock his memories back into his skull. 

"Why can't I just remember?" 

Izuku took a deep breath, trying to think through the problem in front of him. "How did I remember before? Shinsou told me about the roof and then a memory came back, but when Himiko told me about Kacchan and Todoroki, nothing happened. Being given information isn't a reliable way to remember then." 

He did what he did best. He muttered and mumbled and went at the problem from every angle. 

"Kacchan called me Izuku and I remembered his apology, the same thing happened with Todoroki and I got a bunch of random memories about him. The only pattern is being given information, but it doesn't work every time. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?" 

Izuku's hands went to his hair, pulling just enough to leave a soft sting on his scalp. "There has to be something I'm missing, some other clue I can use that doesn't involve getting handed information from someone else." 

"My phone!" 

He felt like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner, but better late than never. He wasn't sure what it would be able to offer for him, but the device had to have something worthwhile on it. 

He pulled the device out and the first thing that sucker punched him in the gut was his lock screen. It was a picture of Katsuki and Shoto, the blond fast asleep on a bed while the other boy was cuddled up to his side with a book in his hands. 

"Is this... seriously my phone?" Izuku asked aloud to no one but himself. He just couldn't wrap his brain around the fact that his sister had told him the truth. Somehow, in the past year and a half, he had actually started to date Katsuki and Shoto. 

He swiped at the screen, being met with a code lock. "Well shit, is it still the same?" He tried his birthday, but no luck. His mom's birthday, the day she died, the day he ran away, Himiko's birthday, all of them were failures. He even tried Katsuki's birthday, seeing as they were apparently dating, but it was also a bust. 

Seconds away from throwing his phone at a wall, he swiped up again. A loading circle took over the screen before a message flashed reading Face Identification Successful

"When did I get face I.D.?" 

Izuku didn't dwell on the question, deciding to instead search through the phone for any information that might jog a few memories. He could see now how his memory loss was affecting those around him and although he didn't care about many people anymore, he'd always care about his family and Toga was visibly upset earlier. He wanted to fix it, he needed to fix it. 

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