Chapter 36

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"Are you seriously hanging out with the insomniac again?" Katsuki asked with a groan as Izuku threw on one of the blond's hoodies.

"Yes Kacchan, I am. He's one of my best friends and you and Shoto keep me from spending any good amount of time with him." Izuku said, crawling back into Katsuki's bed and giving him a small peck on the nose. "Besides, you should go see your parent's today anyways."

"I don't want to see either of them." Katsuki said with a grumble.

"You say that, but I know you miss them just as much as they miss you." Izuku teased, moving away from his boyfriend. "C'mon, even Sho went to visit his mom and they haven't talked in years."

Katsuki let out a heavy sigh, knowing that he'd be going to see his parents later that day. "As soon as I walk through the front door I'm gonna get bombarded with questions about you." He admitted.

His mom had been texting him continuously the past few weeks Izuku had been at UA. Katsuki had done his best to give her as little information as possible and even just ignored her. He didn't want to deal with all the questions, most of which he didn't even have answers to.

"Really? Why would they ask about me?" Izuku asked, pulling the hood of the oversized sweatshirt up and playing with the strings.

"My mom and yours were best friends Izuku. The old hag has always seen you as a second son, probably likes you more than me, even now." He muttered, which caused Izuku to giggle softly. Katsuki's small smile appeared at the sound. "When you disappeared she was just as freaked out as I was. Then you ended up being a villain and it was just kind of an all around mess at my house." He finished with a breathy tone.

Izuku nodded in understanding, not having thought about how the Bakugou's had taken to his disappearance and his mother's death before coming back to school. It was weird thinking about it. When he left, he was so sure it was the right thing to do, that everyone would be happier without him around. He didn't think anyone would actually care.

"Do you think- maybe- I could go with one day? I'd... I kind of want to see Mitsuki and Masaru again, maybe explain a little bit..." Izuku mumbled under his breath, suddenly insecure and unsure of himself.

Katsuki got up off his bed and walked over to Izuku and placing a gentle hand on his cheek. "Of course you can. Whenever you want, okay? Just let me know."

Izuku nodded with a soft smile. "Thank you Kacchan. You guys are the only part of my old life I have left."

"You don't have to thank me nerd, the old hag would kill me if I didn't let you come anyway." Katsuki said with a small snort at the thought.

"Hm, she really hasn't changed at all, has she?" Izuku asked, leaning into Katsuki's hand.

"Nope." The blond answered, placing a kiss on the shorter boy's forehead.

"That's oddly reassuring." Izuku hummed.

"Sure," Katsuki said, clearly amused with Izuku's thoughts.

Izuku connected their lips for a few seconds before pushing him back with a smile. "I gotta go. I'll see you when you get back from your parents." He said smugly, quickly walking out of Katuski's dorm.

"What the- Hey! Love you too, asshole!" Katsuki shouted from his room while Izuku got on the elevator.

"Love you, Kacchan!" Izuku called from while the doors shut to the elevator.

"Damn nerd." Katsuki mumbled, grabbing his coat and texting his mother that he was stopping by for the day.


"Shinso, can we please get food now?" Izuku whined. They had been having a horror movie marathon all day and Izuku was starving.

"Sure, but we're finishing the last Saw movie when we get back." Shinso answered, sending Izuku a pointed look.

"Fine, but you know I don't like those ones." Izuku said with a grumble. The gore hit a little to close to home with him, having watched All For One torture countless innocent people right in front of him.

Shinso swore as they made it into the kitchen. "Shit, sorry Midoriya. I didn't even think of that."

Izuku smiled slightly to try and ease his friend's guilt. "It's okay, but can we please not watch the last one? I always get sick watching them."

"Of course, you should have just told me that! I thought you were just being a scaredy cat." Shinso said while digging through the fridge to try and find something for them to eat.

"Shinso, I was a villain for a year and a half." He reminded him. Serial killers and paranormal stuff didn't phase him, but the gore brought back some really terrible memories.

"Fair point." Shinso said, closing the fridge in defeat. "I'm gonna run back up to my dorm, I have ramen stashed there so no one else steals it." He explained with a playful smile.

Izuku giggled but nodded. He took a seat at the counter, watching Shinso disappear from the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Monoma walked in. "What're you even doing here?" The blond asked.

"Hanging out with-"

Then Izuku's mind went blank.


Shoto and Katsuki were hanging out in Shoto's room, both having gotten back from their parent's earlier. Katsuki had his head laying on Shoto's stomach while the dual haired teen ran his fingers absently through his blond locks.

Katsuki's phone dinged and he was scowling a few seconds later. "The blond copy cat's harassing Izu again." He said.

"Well what're we waiting for then?" Shoto asked, gently nudging his boyfriend off his lap.

"Let's go then." Katsuki said, grabbing Shoto's hand and pulling him out of the dorm.

"Where's Shinso? Weren't they supposed to be hanging out?" Shoto asked as they made their way over to 2-B's dorm building where Izuku had told them he was.

"No clue, he just asked us to go over there. He doesn't want to get in trouble for a conflict when he's already on such thin ice." Katsuki explained. He only knew what the text had said and it hadn't mentioned Shinso at all.

Shoto let out a breath. "At least he's not jumping head first into a fight." He pointed out.

"Yeah, he's just summoning us to do it for him." Katsuki said with a smirk, cracking his knuckles as the exited their dorm building.

"Doubtful. He's probably just trying to scare Monoma off by having us there." Shoto said, thinking of the more rational reason for their boyfriend to text them for help.

"Yeah, yeah. Doesn't mean I'm not gonna punch the shit out of him." Katsuki said with a shrug.

"Don't even try it." Shoto warned, opening the door to the 2-B dorms.

"We'll see-" Katsuki's voice died in his throat as he took in what was happening in the kitchen of the dorms.

"What's wrong?" Shoto asked him, but his question was instantly answered when he followed Katsuki's line of sight.

Izuku had his arms wrapped around Shinso's neck, holding on tightly to the taller boy. Shinso was hugging him tightly with his grip on Izuku's hips.

That wouldn't have bothered the two boys. Izuku hugged nearly everyone that would let him, so it wasn't uncommon to find him holding onto someone tightly.

What made his two boyfriends stop dead in their tracks, was the fact that their lips were locked together just as tightly.

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