Chapter 7

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Izuku, Shoto and Kirishima were in the principal's office in a matter of minutes, all of them running.

"Jesus Kacchan, you were left alone for five minutes." Izuku said when he barged in. He saw the blond grumpily sitting in a chair in front of Nezu's desk. Nezu was in his chair and Aizawa was standing next to him.

"Midoriya, you can't just-" Aizawa tried to say, but was cut off by the small boy.

"Ah, but I just did." He said with a shrug, taking a seat in the chair next to Katsuki as Shoto and Kirishima entered the room, finally catching up to the green haired boy.

"Deku, just go before you get-" Katsuki was cut off by Izuku as well.

"Nope, you beat that kid up for me. You aren't going down for this because then that would mean I owe you." Izuku said, tilting his head upside down over the edge of the chair so he could see Katsuki.

Katsuki shook his head, looking away. "You're real fucking crazy now, huh?" He asked, finding a small bit of amusement in Izuku's actions.

"I'm completely sane, I'm just more fun now." He explained with a lopsided, upside down smile.

"What does any of this have to do with you, Midoriya?" Nezu spoke up, throwing a quick glance at Shoto and Kirishima who were just standing in the back watching the events unfold.

"He beat up that guy because he... said something he shouldn't have." Izuku tried to explain, but he wasn't about to just out right saw that they said he killed his own mom.

Aizawa raised a brow and looked back and forth between the two boys. "What'd they say?" He pressed.

Izuku stayed quiet, not wanting to say it or hear it again. Aizawa saw that and turned his attention to Katsuki, hoping he'd shed some light on the situation.

Katsuki gritted his teeth, worried about Izuku's reaction when he explained. "They said Deku killed his mom." He said in a normal leveled voice, something pretty rare for Katsuki.

Aizawa couldn't mask his surprise at first, letting his eyes grow wide for only a second before he schooled his features again. "All of you, back to the dorms. Go." He said firmly.

All of the boys looked at him, confused for a second before they left, not wanting him to change his mind. Once they were gone, Nezu turned to Aizawa with a smile.

"A soft spot already?" He asked. He found it highly amusing how distant and cold Aizawa would act towards all his students, when in reality he cared more for them then anyone could possibly guess.

Aizawa just rolled his eyes and left the office, heading back to his classroom.

Izuku was heading back to the dorms with the other three boys. He was oddly happy with the outcome of their little meeting with the principal. If Katsuki would have gotten kicked out, Izuku would have owed him big time, but seeing as he didn't, the debt wasn't quite as large.

"So Kacchan, what'd you want?" Izuku asked as they walked into the common area of the dorms. The other students were still in school, besides Dabi and Toga, who were lounging around on the couches.

"Huh? What'd you mean nerd?" Katsuki asked, pushing himself to sit on the counter in the kitchen, where their little group seemed to have migrated.

"You beat up that kid for me, so what'd you want in return?" Izuku said slower this time. He was very adamant of not being in anyone's debt. After having his life indebted to a super villain, he had become more cautious.

Katsuki scrunched up his face at the question. "What? I don't want anything-"

Dabi spoke up, walking into the kitchen with Toga following closely behind. "Don't try and argue with him. He's got a thing about debts." He explained, grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge and walking over to Izuku.

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