Chapter 2

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True to their word, it only took around an hour for Aizawa to come back to the cell and lead the villains to their new dorms. "You two, will be with the second years, and you three will be with the third years." He explained, pointing at Toga and Izuku, then Twice, Dabi and Shigaraki.

"We're being separated?" Izuku asked, looking over the rest of the teens. There was strength in numbers, and the pros were trying to take that away, intentionally or not.

"By your years, yes. Just like everyone else." Aizawa said. "I realize that it'll take you guys a while to get used to it, but it's the best I could do. Just be happy I'm getting you on the same floors." He explained. He knew how hard of an adjust this would be for the kids and had tried to get them all in the same dorm building, but Nezu had insisted on them being with their proper years.

"You... tried to get us all together?" Izuku asked in quiet surprise. He hadn't expected that from the closed off hero.

"Yeah, this is a big enough change without being apart from your..." He trailed off while looking over the teens that were all huddled close as they walked. "Family?" He finished, more as a question, seeing as he wasn't sure what the relationship was between all of them.

"Family." Toga said with a nod and a preppy smile. Even if she was being split up from three of her brothers, she still had Izuku. Better than nothing in her book.

"Noted." Aizawa said. "You three, head to that building, your homeroom teacher will help you get settled in. You two are with me." He explained, pointing to a building not far from the one they were standing in front of. The other pro was already standing outside, so Aizawa wasn't worried about them making a run for it.

"Bye guys! Talk to you later." Toga said, skipping after Aizawa while dragging Izuku along.

"So what class are we gonna be in?" Toga asked curiously as they made their way into the dorm building.

"2-A because Nezu's making you stick with me." The grumpy teacher explained. It wasn't that he minded the questions, he was just tired, seeing as it was already past midnight and there was school the next day.

"Whoa! We get to be in the hero course? Isn't that like... kind of messed up?" Toga asked throwing a glance over at Izuku.

"What? Having kids that used to be villains, training to become pro heroes? I see it as an asset." Aizawa shrugged, getting into the elevator. He knew where he was going to put them. He would be worried about the girl, if he though she couldn't handle it.

They stepped out on level two shortly after. "Sorry kid, you have to take the girl's side, but you guys are the only ones on this side, so I don't think it'll really be a problem." Aizawa explained, leading them over to their dorms. "You can pick whatever ones you want."

"Sweet! But Mr. teacher sir," Toga asked, not knowing his name, "Why're we the only ones on this side?"

With a sigh and a scowl at a certain door, he explained. "There aren't any girls on this floor because we have a resident perv on this floor. Unfortuntly this was the best option for you two, if you wanted to stay together. There was another floor with two open rooms, but it would have..." His eyes trailed to Izuku, "Caused problems."

"Three guesses for who's on that floor." He mumbled.

Toga's eyes lit up. "You mean... I forgot he was in this class!" She said, suddenly more excited than before. "We get to beat him up, right? Right Izu? Please, please, please?"

"No beating up the other students!" Aizawa scolded. "Except for training." He said softly.

Izuku cracked his knuckles while Toga giggled. "This is gonna be fun."

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