Chapter 5

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By the end of the week, the League was exhausted. Not only were they still adjusting to their new school schedule, but they also had to try and adjust to their new lives.

They were 'good' now, something that was proving difficult to wrap their minds around. They had spent so many years fighting against they very thing they were being forced to become. It wasn't easy by any means.

They didn't want this change in the first place. They didn't have a sudden change of heart. They were given two options and had taken the path of least resistance. Now they had to try and cope with it.

They didn't want to be 'good'. They still had there same mind sets of wanting to destroy all of the heroes and reform the world. That didn't just suddenly go away because someone handed them a high school uniform.

They were just waiting to graduate. Once they graduated, they'd be out of the school and back to there old ways, more careful than the last time. They wouldn't be getting caught again.

If they pros wanted to change their minds and beliefs, sending them to a high school wasn't the best method.

The League was comprised of social outcast. Every single one of them was 'evil' for a reason. They were looked down on, belittled, bullied, all of their lives. It was their driving force to do... well, what they did.

It stopped when they joined together and reeked havoc on the city. They were no longer pushed around and stepped on. They were in control. They had the power.

No one would be able to toy with them ever again.

Until they were shoved right back into the fucked up society they were trying to escape in the first place.

It was torture for the teens. Even if most of them tried to brush it off and act unbothered by the stares, the whispers, the taunts... it was hitting all of them.

Toga only left her dorm to go to class. She wouldn't be caught in the halls without one of her brothers with her. She was falling into a perpetual loop of fear. All over again.

Twice was mocked daily. He didn't have a very dangerous quirk, so most people weren't scared to push him around and poke fun of unique personalities.

With Dabi and Shigaraki, it was different. People were terrified of them, exactly how they wanted it. What bothered them, was the side remarks. The whispers. The rumors. God, the rumors nearly tore Shigaraki apart from the inside out. Dabi was really the only thing holding him together. Not that he was really fairing any better.

When he ran away from his family, primarily his father, he had done so with a reason. He had done it to get away from the hero nonsense that had plagued him his whole life. He didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be around the pros twenty four seven. He couldn't stand to see his brother, knowing that he had abandoned him. That he had ran away from the torture and pressure, pushing it all onto Shoto.

And Izuku... well he was Izuku. He had been raised being bullied, far worse than any of the worthless hero trainees could pull off. He was seemingly unbothered by what was said or done towards him. He was determined to not let them get to him. He wouldn't allow them to have that sort of power and satisfaction.

Until Friday, when he snapped.

Toga, Dabi and Izuku were all walking through the halls heading to lunch. Shigaraki was supposedly already in the cafeteria with Twice, so they weren't worried about either of them.

"This is terrible. I thought high school was supposed to be fun." Toga whined, purposefully avoiding the eyes of other students as they walked. She just wanted to get out of the school relatively unscathed.

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