1.3. Project Tiger

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1.3. Project Tiger

The next morning, I woke up to the soft hues of dawn creeping over the horizon. The cool early morning air, washed clean by the heavy rains, carried a faint scent of wet earth, blooming flowers and fresh vegetation- a soothing welcome contrast to the storm's havoc the night before. The storm had subsided outside, leaving a serene stillness in its wake.

I had slept on the verandah, sharing the space with Sujoy and Madhav. The simple cot I lay on was made of woven bamboo sheets, and comfortable enough, though I could feel the stiffness in my back as I stretched and rose slowly.

The verandah was small but charming, with bamboo mats lining the floor and an intricately carved wooden railing that overlooked the small yard. Birds chirped in the distance, their morning songs a gentle symphony that greeted the new day.

I glanced over at Sujoy and Madhav, both still asleep on the floor mats below, their breathing steady and calm. I quietly moved off the cot, careful not to disturb my companions. As I stepped off the verandah, my bare feet touched the cool, dewy grass, sending a pleasant shiver up my spine. The sky was a canvas of pastel colors, the rising sun casting a soft golden light that made the surroundings look almost ethereal. Puddles of rainwater reflected the early morning light, creating a mosaic of shimmering pools that dotted the landscape.

I stood on the verandah, taking in the transformed scenery. The aftermath of the storm left a chaotic scene outside the hut. Branches from the resilient mangroves lay scattered across the ground, leaves strewn everywhere. The once turbulent Bidyadhari river now flowed calmly, its surface smooth and mirror-like. Birds, previously hidden from the storm, had resumed their morning chorus, their songs a harmonious blend that filled the air.

Walking towards the small well in the corner of the yard, where a bucket and a tin mug hung on a hook, I splashed some cool water on my face, feeling instantly refreshed. The previous day's events replayed in my mind: the storm, the boat ride, the local food, Ruhika's calm determination- I couldn't help but smile as I thought about her. She had handled everything with such finesse.

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