1.11. Cracking The Deal

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1.11. Cracking The Deal

As I climbed into Karim's boat, my heart pounded so loudly that I wondered if he could hear it. The gruff, burly man who took the helm had an unsettling air about him, and his leering glances did little to ease my anxiety. I had no choice but to keep my face calm and my eyes focused, even though inside I was a bundle of nerves.

Vedhant's worried eyes had followed me all the way to the boat, his grip on my arm reluctant to let go until the very last moment. Leaving him behind felt like tearing away a piece of myself, but I knew we were too close to victory to back down now. We had to see this mission through, no matter the personal loss.

The boat roared to life, and we began the bumpy ride to the other side of the river. The landscape blurred past us, but my mind was far away, replaying the recent moments with Vedhant. His protective stance, the way he had shielded me with his body, and the fierce determination in his eyes—it all replayed in my mind like a vivid movie.

From the moment we met, Vedhant had been my anchor in this wild, untamed land. His strength and courage were inspiring, but it was his tenderness and the way he cared for me that had truly won my heart. The first time I saw him, he was a figure of authority and confidence, yet there was a warmth in his eyes that spoke of something deeper.

I wandered back to our boat ride to Gosaba, where he had warned me about the tigers. His voice had been calm and reassuring, but I could sense the underlying worry. Vedhant's protective nature was always shining through, even in the smallest gestures. He had a way of making me feel safe, even in the most dangerous situations.

The memory of the Sundarbans watchtower came to my mind, where he had shared his knowledge of the forest and its inhabitants. The way his eyes lit up as he spoke about the Sundari tree and the Royal Bengal tiger was mesmerizing. Vedhant was so passionate and dedicated to his work, and it was impossible not to be drawn to him. His love for the forest was infectious, and I found myself falling for not just the man, but his world as well.

And then there were the more intimate moments, the times when we were alone. I thought about the pool, the feel of his strong arms around me as he taught me to swim. The accidental brush of his lips against my earlobe had sent shivers down my spine. My skin still tingled at the memory, and I could almost feel the warmth of his touch.

There was something unspoken between us, a connection that went beyond words. His fingers interlaced with mine, the way he cupped my cheeks and looked into my eyes with such intensity—it was in those moments that I knew how much he cared. His presence was a comfort, his touch a promise.

As Karim's boat rattled along the uneven river, I couldn't help but worry about what lay ahead. But thoughts of Vedhant kept me grounded. I replayed our conversations, our laughter, and our shared determination to see this mission through. His confidence in me gave me strength, and his love, though unspoken, gave me hope.

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