Part 3

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Wednesday sits upon a crypt. Enid walks down and steps and through the gravestones to get to her


Hey! You got up early this morning, I've been looking everywhere for you. Should have known you'd be in amongst your people...

She taps the top of a headstone and smiles


Are you ok?

Wednesday looks down at Enid and then jumps down next to her


I will be when tonight is over

Enid steps forward and slides her hands around Wednesday's waist


Oh baby don't say that, I'm gonna wear my prettiest dress so you can show me off to all your family, we're gonna have a sublime time my sweet beau

She smiles at Wednesday as she rolls her eyes at Enid


You're enjoying this way too much Enid. You won't be when you're bombarded with personal questions from every member of my family

Enid frowns


What kind of questions?


Normal stuff... what grades you're getting, your intentions with me, your previous marriages, including past lives, how many children you want, what their names will be, your criminal record, your sexual history... your favourite sexual position... nervous yet?

Enid looks bewildered


This is one of those times we spoke about, when you're sarcastic and joking but you're so deadpan I can't tell if you're being serious...


I'm not not being serious. They'll be questions... what they'll be... is unfamiliar territory. Luckily, despite them being intrusive, they won't judge. Not too many wrong answers

Enid takes a deep breath and turns to the gravestone her hand is touch


Well, at least you won't be questioning me MRS ABSINTHE ADDAMS

She laughs and taps the stone


Oh no she'll be there, she RSVP'd

Enid whips her hand away from the headstone and grimaces


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