Part 10

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Wednesday keeps her lips pressed against Enid's neck, her head rushing to decide what to do. All she could hear in her mind was Granny Frumps advice, "kiss her." Without losing contact, she drags her lips, under Enid's chin, losing contact just below her bottom lip. She looks up at Enid and then at her lips. "Kiss her." Wednesday dives in and crashes their lips together, Enid immediately responding, grabbing Wednesday's neck and pulling her even closer. It's so needy but so soft. Never losing contact but also taking their time. Enjoying every moment. Enid releases her lips so she can latch on to Wednesdays neck. Sucking so gently but bursting every blood vessel beneath Wednesday's fair skin. Wednesday drags her fingers up and down Enid's arms feeling every goosebump. Enid's lips now dangerously close to Wednesday's ear, release a sound that Enid's certain she's never made before. It was meant to be a small gasp for breath, instead she let out a guttural moan and bit Wednesday's earlobe to try and stop it echoing around the room. Wednesdays eyes roll back, it's the most amazing sound she's ever heard. She feels it rumble through her whole body like lava



Enid's eyes meet Wednesday's




Please don't ever stop yourself from making that noise... it's... I...

Enid starts kissing Wednesday again before Wednesday can get anymore words out. She slides her tongue across Wednesday's as she slips her jacket off, it drops to the floor and Enid begins to walk. Gently pushing Wednesday backwards until they reach the bed where they sit. Never breaking the kiss at any point. Enid leans back onto the pillow dragging Wednesday down, their lips still not separating for a moment. Wednesday feels her whole body heat up as Enid's tongue drags across her lips, and she feels fingertips slide across her skin


Enid... wait...


What? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?


No no no you didn't do anything wrong. Everything you're doing is good... so good... and I want this. I really want this... but it's just...

She pauses to collect her thoughts. Enid reaches out and holds her palm against Wednesday's blushing cheek


It's okay. Tell me... what's on your mind?

Wednesday swallows and takes a breath


It's just that... I've never done this before. I'm a "study then do" kind of girl. I need to know what lies ahead, what's expected... and I can't do that with this. I just don't want to disappoint you


Wednesday, let's make one thing clear, you could never disappoint me. Everything you do leaves me flawed. You have no idea how much you turn me on. Trust me, there's no wrong way to do this

Wednesday nods but Enid can see she's not satisfied with that answer


Let's take it slow ok? Nothing happens until we're ready... until we're BOTH ready. I don't know what I'm doing either... I just know that when my lips touch yours the whole world disappears...

Wednesday can't control the urge inside to kiss Enid again, she gives in. Slowly planting sweet kisses on her lips and cheeks and neck. She looks up


Thank you for being my date tonight.


I had fun creating all those stories with you


Me too. But this right here... Enid... you're my favourite story. Me and you, exactly as we are

They kiss again. Placing their lips on every bit of exposed skin. Brushing fingertips along every curve, whispering sweet nothings between the sheets all night. As the sun rose, their eyelids fell, holding each other in their arms. Their story had only just begun, but they knew, their story would be forever...

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