Part 9

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No we're definitely still playing... I just couldn't lie to her. You and your mother and your grandmother, you're all carbon copies. Looking into her eyes, was like looking into yours. I felt like I wanted to lay my heart out on the table for her

Wednesday swallows


As is the Frump way...

She puts her hand out and Enid takes it


Come on, let's go mess with more of my family members



Wednesday and Enid dance on the dance floor. Time has clearly passed. The music is fast and the girls talk amongst their dancing.


I cannot believe you convinced my Aunt Elvira that I had body swapped with a 1950's mobster boss!


Well I had to get you back for telling your cousin I only spoke Japanese


In my defence I didn't know my cousin spoke Japanese...

They both start laughing, Wednesday spins Enid under her arm and pulls her in and out and round again


Oh my God remember your uncles face when you said you'd killed me by accident but managed to bring me back to life and I didn't remember anything...

They both laugh


And your poor Dad... I didn't think it was possible to convince him I don't exist but he looked so confused... especially with you saying "there is no Enid father!" And I'm stood RIGHT THERE!

She starts giggling all over again


Best part was when he said "Tish honey, you see Enid right?" And Mother saying "Who?"

They both stop dancing to laugh a little harder. They just stand there holding each other, it isn't until they calm down they realise the music has changed and the song is slow. Everyone on the dance floor holds their partner intimately and dances close. The girls look at each other, Enid places her hands around Wednesday's neck and starts gently moving to the beat. Wednesday places her hands on Enid's hips and gently pulls her close. They both move in time with each other. Enid smiles as they dance but after a few moments she stops. She lets go of Wednesday and bends over, undoing her shoes and skidding them across and off of the dance floor. She smiles at Wednesday again and puts her arms back around her neck and pulls her forward again. Although this time in bare feet against Wednesday's heels, Enid is a few inches shorter. She leans in and rests her head on Wednesday's shoulder, her nose touching Wednesday's neck. Wednesday wraps her arms around Enid's waist. They both smile. Before they know it the ball has ended. They are still giggling about the evenings shenanigans by the time they get back to Wednesday's room


Damn I forgot I was wearing this thing

She puts her hand to her neck and grabs the collar. Wednesday immediately reaches over and undoes it. Enid's skin is rea and bruised underneath and Wednesday cringes. Grabbing a cold cloth from her bathroom and wrapping it around Enid's neck gently


I apologise Enid *she removes the cloth* There... all better...

She leans forward and kisses the bruise softly, she holds herself there for a few seconds. Just long enough for her to hear Enid moan...

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