5. Hospital and Callahan

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My notes
"The Pipboy"


Punz and Keralis were walking to the hospital where the others were. Both didn't know what Dream or Xisuma wanted. They walked in silence the whole time. Even if they are Voidners and have talked together, I that kind of sense they never really talked outside of those meetings. So, the whole journey to the hospital was quite awkward. Once they got to the hospital, they saw Sapnap talking to Dream. Dream said something, and Sapnap nodded. It was that moment that Punz decided to give them self away by asking, "Hey, Dream. Why were Keralis and I supposed to be here?". Sapnap and Dream turned around when Dream answered his question "Well I thought that you Punz could help Sapnap with something that he will explain on the way there. As for Keralis, I have no idea. Xisuma said that there was something you could help with.". Both of them nodded, and Keralis asked "OK so where is Sheshwamy?". "OH, I will bring you to him I a sec. So, Sapnap, do you know what you need to do and will explain it to Punz?" Dream asked Sapnap, who nodded and said "Yes don't worry.  Come on Punz, we have to go. I will explain on the way.". With that, Sapnap started to walk away. Punz glanced at Keralis and Dream before waving and walking after Sapnap to catch up to him. Dream and Keralis watched as they were leaving, and Sapnap looked like he is explaining something to Punz. What is going on? What does Sheshwamy want from me? Keralis was thinking when Dream spoke with him, which startled him a bit. "So we should probably go to Xisuma now, right?" He asked him to which Keralis answer with "Yeah wouldn't want to have Sheshwamy waiting for us.". Dream nodded, and with that, they went inside, Keralis following Dream. They passed multiple corridors but never entered one. At the end of the corridors, you could see some people standing in front of a door. "Hey, I'm back, and I got Keralis with me.". The people at the end of the corridor looked up. There were standing Xisuma, Fwip, Grian, Jimmy, and Scott. Weird didn't Ren also go with them? Where is he? Keralises thoughts were interrupted again this time by Xisuma. "Hey, Dream, thanks for guiding him here. Hey Keralis.". "Hey Sheshwamy. Why did you call me here?" Keralis was still confused as to why they called him. "Well, you're good with medic, right?" asked X, to which Keralis answered with,"I mean, I'm ok. I wouldn't say I'm bad, but I also wouldn't say I'm perfect in it.". "And you also have a therapist license where you had things like panic attack. Plus, a PHD. right." asked X again. "I mean, yeah. Why are you asking?" answered Keralis. "What are you talking about? And what is a PHD?" asked Grian. "PHD means doctor of philosophy. Philosophy in the degree isn't 'Philosophy' here. Do they mean what it means in Greek, which is "love of wisdom". All fields that weren't technology, law, and medicine were originally known as philosophy." explained Keralis. Everyone exepted him, X and Dream were really confused. Keralis just scratched the back of his head while laughing nervously.

With Sapnap and Punz when they split up from Dream and Keralis

"So what are we supposed to do?" asked Punz since he had no idea of what they were doing. "Right. So we will look for Callahan since he had been looking for a way to close the portals that connect or world's. Apparently, when this Martyn person came through the portal, the admis couldn't for some reason not close them anymore. Nobody wants the treats of or world's mix together he is looking for a way to close them. We will just come by where he settled down for now and look at how he is doing. If we need to, we'll force him to take a break or sleep." Sapnap explained to Punz, who nodded. "So we need to make sure that Callahan sleeps, eats, and drinks. Like things that he needs to survive while also making sure he stays healthy." Punz said. "Exactly. Dream would have done it himself if he didn't need to be with our little guests. In other words, you can say we will be taking care of Callahan." Sapnap agreed. Both talked about random topics until they arrived at a small cottage in there Callahan was. Sapnap went to the door and knocked and said "Callahan it's me, Sapnap and Punz, we are coming in.". With that, he opened the door, and both went in. They searched for a while before finding him I the last room. He looked very tired, had the code in front of him, and looked very concentrated. There were many coffee cups on the desk, and he was sweating a tone. "Callahan, are you ok?" Sapnap asked, and Callahan winced before turning around. The code that he was looking at a moment before vanished. He tipped something on his Pipboy. A hologram was a few minutes later to see above the Pipboy were stood "Yes I'm fine, don't worry.". Sapnap and Punz didn't believe him, and Punz asked, "When was the last time you slept Callahan?". This question brought him into thinking. I didn't sleep since the portals didn't close anymore, which was a few days ago. Callahan looked at the ground while thinking. He also got really hot. A few seconds later, he tipped. "I didn't sleep ever since the portals didn't close.". This was the answer both of them didn't expect. Suddenly, Callahan's head began to spin at it, and it got really hot. His vision began to get blurry before he fell forward out cold. If it weren't for Punz catching him, he would have landed on the ground. Punz put his hand on Callahan's forehead and pulled back after a few seconds. "He has a fever. Probably passed aut because of that and the fact he didn't sleep." He informed Sapnap. "We should bring him to the hospital, I think." Sapnap said, and Punz nodded before picking Callahan up bradley style. "Let's go." Is what he said before walking away with Callahan in his arms and Sapnap following him.

In another dimension

"Мы сделали зто, моя королева, мальчик будете болеть какое-то время.(We did it my queen the boy will be sick for some time.)" Said a Watcher. "Вы хорово отдохнули какое-то время. Теперь зтот парень не смжєт разрушить мои планы, которые ты заслужил.(You did good Xel rest for a while. Now that the kid won't be able to destroy my plans you deserved it!)" said ???. "Понятно, ваше величество. Спасибо (Understood, your majesty. Thanks)" said Xel. "А теперь уходи, я большаґ не хочу тебя видеть. (Now go I don't want to see you anymore.)" said ???. Xel bowed before closing the door. The boy will be a problem later on. I need to speak with XD about this.

Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter. Like always, if you see spelling or grammar mistakes, let me know. The language is Russian, and if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry. I used a translator for that part. See ya in the next chapter. Bye.

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