one ( 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃-𝐍𝐎𝐓 )

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second time's the charm?

second time's the charm?

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You remain quiet, staring silently at the teen eating. He doesn't notice you as you approach the bench he's sitting on, too busy trying to gobble down his sandwich.

You keep being silent as you take a seat next to him, and he doesn't seem to mind too much.

Your eyes drift over to his face, the full face make-up looks runny mixed with his sweat.

If he knows you're staring, he doesn't say anything about it. Instead, he seems used to it.

You frown, tapping your fingers on the old, creaking wood. Letting out a big sigh, you make up your mind.

Grabbing your backpack, you take out a bottle of Micellar water and make-up wipes. You scoff, and without saying a word, you toss them to the boy and immediately look away.

You hear him shuffle next to you, his shoulder making contact with yours.

He doesn't call out to you, instead you catch him trying to read the product's label.

Suddenly, a wave of realization hits him. He must have forgotten that these kind of products exist, and he didn't have to battle his face with enough water to fill a whole ocean anymore.

He rushes to open the wipes, and you stare at how he basically assaults himself with them. Although they're working, you know he's being to rough with it.

Seriously, is this guy that clueless?

With no warning, you grab his arm, stopping him from further ruining his face. You two make eye contact, and you take one of the wipes.

𝕿𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 ( viral-hit / how to fight )Where stories live. Discover now