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good things come in pairs.

good things come in pairs

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'Hayan Taekwondo'

You stand in front of the gym, your mind re-reading the words over and over. I mean, you aren't literally reading them- as you can't read Korean... But you do remember that was the name of the gym run by Taehoon's father.

You hold your phone tightly in your hand, unsure if you're shaking because of the cold or because of anxiety.

Your fingers aggressively tap the keyboard, and you feel like your legs are about to give out.


im not doing this

mf wdym ur not doing this??
u'd rather freeze to death?? get ur
ass in the damn dojang.

what am i supposed to say??
Heyyy idk how to speak korean, I
have no money, no documents,
I dont even have a permit to stay
in this damn country and im also
homeless pls teach me taekwondo?


ok hold on a second

You scrunch your eyebrows and bite your lower lip. Seriously, you just got reincarnated and you have to already mingle with the main characters? As far as you know, you are neither OP nor important to the storyline, so you don't see the point.

And also, YOU'RE ABOUT TO DIE OF HYPOTERMIA!! Seriously, couldn't you have been reincarnated with a warmer outfit?!



ok here.

𝕿𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 ( viral-hit / how to fight )Where stories live. Discover now