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How does getting stabbed feel like?

Well, at first you felt a small amount of pain in your abdomen. Something akin to a punch or kick, hell even just a slap. Falling to the floor, you didn't even register what happened.

The adrenaline in your body didn't let your brain comprehend what was happening to you.

Next came the realization. You had just gotten stabbed, you were bleeding out. You felt a slimy, warm liquid just running down your body. Your blood- and it just kept pouring out, each time you breathed in or out you just snorted it out of your body.

And your breaths, they just got shorter, shorter and shorter every passing second. It was like your body had forgotten how to, and you had to manually remind it of its chore.

The air probably didn't even reach your brain- you felt like a fucking vegetable. Not to mention how your vision was basically nonexistent- everything was colorful and blurry, it's like you had accidentally entered an 8d world.

Next was loosing the feeling of your legs.

It just seemed like countless needles were poking at your skin from every direction, at any second. In fact, you had completely lost control over them- they were basically just noodles now.

Your hearing disappeared next. The only thing you could hear was a constant ringing- both so near and so far at the same time.

𝕿𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐍𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐊𝐘 ( viral-hit / how to fight )Where stories live. Discover now