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✩ He is the definition of a gentle giant. He seems intimidating at first, but once you get to know him you'll soon find out he's super sweet and caring.

✩ He's definitely the type to cater to all your needs and not expect anything in return. He'll keep you fed, happy, cared for, etc. He will put you before him or anyone else, no doubt about it.

✩ Though he enjoys spoiling you and bending over backward for you, he still loves being coddled to the max by you. He likes being taken care of and cuddled by you.

✩ This man will pick you up with ease and make you lay on his chest while he cuddles you. He is a sucker for cuddles no matter where you are or what you're doing.

✩ He gives so a lot of kisses until you are struggling to catch your breath.

✩ He will 100% be proposing to you once he thinks you're ready. He regularly thinks about marrying you.

✩ Having a family with you is something he would absolutely love to do, but it's not something he will expect from you. He talks about it, but he leaves it up to you. If you want it then he wants it.

✩ He always gives you a lot of praise and encouragement for everything, even normal everyday things.

✩ He's not fighting with you ever, he refuses. There will be no arguments. If you ever have a disagreement, you'll be talking it out calmly.

✩ He is a bit introverted, so he prefers dates that can be at home like ordering food and having a movie night. But that does not mean he won't take you out in public and spoil you whenever he pleases.

✩ He says a lot of loving things to you in German. He mostly calls you Engel, Schatz, Sonnenschein, Liebling, and Prinzessin

✩ He gives you lots of compliments on your appearance. He always tells you how beautiful he thinks you are and asks how he got so lucky.

✩ Whenever you put on a nice outfit he'll bombard you with compliments, he absolutely loves the way you dress. But he also finds it cute where you are in pajamas and other comfy clothes, because he likes knowing that you feel comfortable.

✩ He will find you and your body gorgeous no matter what you look like, but he won't deny it, he really loves extra curves and chubbiness. (NOT in some weird creepy unhealthy fetish type of way, I would actually end my life if that was the case 😭 (I wrote this to feel better about my fat ass 😜))

✩ When he gets jealous it's not obvious, but he'll become supper protective of you, and start hugging and kissing a lot, almost as if he's trying to prove a point. He has no problem with PDA, especially if it's to show off that you're his.

✩ He wants to be open with you about things but worries about it being too much for you. But if he feels safe and comfortable with you, he'll tell you anything if you ask.

✩ He remembers everything about you and makes a mental note of things you might say that don't seem like a big deal because he knows he can use it later to surprise you.

✩ He's always there for you no matter what and you can come to him about anything and he will have a solution. He will never abandon you or hurt you.

✩ He is VERY protective over you. He's never overbearing, but he will not tolerate you being in any sort of danger or uncomfortable situation.

✩ Mans is tall and solid muscle, he is very strong and loves to play fight and roughhouse with no intentions of hurting you. He'll try to go easy on you if he has to, but do NOT let him get carried away.

✩ Don't feel bad about yapping his ear off about your interests or hobbies. He absolutely loves hearing you speak about things that make you happy. He's not the most talkative, so he prefers just to listen to your happy rambling. If you're happy, he's definitely happy. Do you have a new hyperfixation or obsession? Well, he likes it now too just because it makes you happy.

✩ When he says he likes clingy girls he really means it. He is not the type of immature man-child to say he likes clingy girls and then leave because you're "too clingy". Follow him around nonstop, talk his ear off, and hold onto him all day, he's all for it and loves every second of it. No matter how obsessed you are with him, he is even more obsessed with you.

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