Kyle "Gaz" Garrick

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Authors's Note: I'm still alive unfortunately. I'm kinda back from my break. I wrote half of these a while ago but never finished, but I finally got around to it 😝


✩ He likes gentle and sweet affection. Doesn't get very rough often. He loves it when you let him just cuddle you while he gives you soft kisses.

✩ Originally he thought he didn't want to settle down and start a family because he didn't think he wanted it but with enough convincing, he eventually started to like the idea.

✩ He's always giving you words of encouragement and helping you out with things.

✩ He's always been the romantic type who wants to take you out on nice dates and enjoy your company. Likes dates where you have to dress up nice and always finds you beautiful when you do.

✩ He's constantly telling you how much he loves you. He'll make sure you know how much he loves you. He will do WHATEVER it takes.

✩ He usually refers to you as "love" but sometimes he calls you "babe" when he thinks "love" is getting repetitive. He thinks it's really cute when you use silly little nicknames for him.

✩ He has absolutely no problem showing you affection in public. He doesn't care who's around, it won't stop him from holding your hand, hugging and kissing you. Makes it very well known that you're his and how lucky he is to have you. It's almost like he wants people to know how well you're treated.

✩ He really likes cooking and is always making you things to eat. Always asks you to cook with him and gets really happy when you make food for him cause he likes it when you return the favor and also finds it cute.

✩ He's not the jealous type and won't get jealous easily because he trusts that you are as loyal to him as he is to you. But on the rare occasions when he does feel jealous, he'll become super protective, clingy, and affectionate. He'll wrap his arms around you and hold you close so that people know you are not available.

✩ He's always complimenting you and trying to make you feel pretty. He genuinely does find you attractive. He'll buy you whatever clothes and makeup you want if that's what you need to feel pretty, but he finds you beautiful regardless.

✩ Whenever he has to be deployed and away from you, he misses you like crazy. He always forgets how much he hates being away from you and will be up at night thinking about you. He texts and calls you every chance he gets.

✩ He gives you a lot and doesn't expect anything in return, but you better give back to him because he's beautiful and deserves it 👿

✩ He's really good at making you laugh. He's just overall funny in general, but when it comes to you he's always teasing you one way or another. He also has no filter when it comes to some of the stuff he says. (Just like me fr.)

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