Simon "Ghost" Riley

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✩ He's very affectionate with you once he knows he can trust you to appreciate it.

✩ He craves physical affection, he's a bit touch-starved. He loves cuddling you and spooning you. He likes to lay his head in your lap and have you play with his hair. When you're lying down, he'll get on top of you and either lay his head on your stomach or chest. He likes being held and holding onto you tightly.

✩ He tries so hard to take care of you, but since he didn't have a good childhood and his parents didn't display a healthy relationship, he fears he might accidentally repeat those behaviors. He wants to give you everything because it makes him happy to give someone what he wishes he was given.

✩ He wouldn't mind settling down with you. He likes the idea of marrying you but still thinks you can have a good relationship without marriage.

✩ Starting a family is something that he wouldn't mind doing, but would be very nervous about since he's worried that he might end up like his father. If you were to ever have kids, he would do everything he can to make sure they don't have a childhood like his, he'll protect them with his life and spoil them but still raise them to be respectful.

✩ He hates arguing with you and tries to avoid it and always feels so bad about it. He's aware that couples will fight occasionally, but he still feels terrible about it.

✩ If he ever upsets you, you, he gets so guilty. Sometimes he wants to yell because he grew up in a household where no one listened unless he was yelling but he holds that back and stays calm during disagreements.

✩ He is very different when he is alone with you compared to how he is military-wise. He can have a major soft side if he can trust you not to hurt him and take advantage of his vulnerability. He will always be super gentle around you because he never wants to make you feel uncomfortable.

✩ When it comes to dates he likes ones where he feels like he can connect with you and get closer to you regardless of how close you might already be with him.

✩ He likes meaningful and intimate things. He won't just take you out to dinner unless there are other things planned because he doesn't think it leaves enough room for quality time and he thinks it's unoriginal.

✩ He smothers you with kisses all the time. Sometimes he gets carried away and will cover your whole body with hickeys, but he doesn't care. He's just trying to show you how much he loves you and mark you up so every guy knows to back off.

✩ He says he loves you all the time and really means it. He makes sure you know how much he loves.

✩ He is always using pet names for you, he rarely uses your actual name.

✩ He likes to call you Love, Sweetheart, and Princess. When he's complimenting you he calls you a Pretty Princess.

✩ It took him a while to to open up to you about it past. He wanted to make sure he could trust you before telling you everything.

✩ He has no problem with PDA, he'll make it well known to everyone that you're his.

✩ He would be very loyal to you and never want to make you feel like you couldn't trust him. He's here to stay.

✩ He is very protective over you, always making sure you are safe and secure. As long as you're with him, he's not letting anyone hurt you.

✩ He never realized how much he wanted a partner until he met you and now he couldn't live without you.

✩ He loves making you laugh and smiling. He thinks your laugh is cute, even if you think otherwise. He'll tell you stupid jokes and mess with you to try to get you to laugh. Anything to see that smile.

✩ He likes it when you let him talk about what's on his mind and ramble. He likes feeling heard. He's been able to get a lot of things off his chest while being with you.

✩ He misses you a lot He hates when he's away from you and always tries to keep in contact with you the best he can.

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