John Price

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✩ His love language is physical touch.

✩ He is VERY affectionate, always making sure you feel loved by tackling you with hugs and smothering you with kisses.

✩ When hanging out he mostly likes doing calm and relaxing things, and stuff outdoors. 

✩ He loves cuddles and makes sure he gets to cuddle you as much as you'll let him. He likes spooning you and having you lay on top of him while he holds you close.

✩ He wants to settle down with you, he thinks it would be stupid not to.

✩ He dates with the intention of getting married and having a family so he proposes fairly quickly once he feels close with you.

✩ He would be very helpful around the household and contribute equally.

✩ He always is very supportive of you and tries to help you accomplish whatever you are trying to.

✩ You rarely fight and when you do it's usually for a dumb reason and doesn't last long. He usually apologizes first and admits he was being unreasonable.

✩ He's very gentle and caring. He really wants to make sure you are comfortable and feel safe around him.

✩ He loves hugs. He's always making sure he gets a hug from you whenever he leaves, comes home, while in bed, etc.

✩ He gives you very sweet, gentle, and passionate kisses. He loves to kiss your forehead and neck to most, as well as your lips of course.
✩ If you're shorter than him he likes it when you stand on your toes to reach him and kiss him on the cheek.

✩ He doesn't really get jealous. He trusts you, so he doesn't ever get jealous if you interact with other guys as long as you're staying loyal.

✩ He says how much he loves you all the time and wants to make sure you know he loves you and that you're his. He had no issue saying it almost instantly. It came with him confessing his feelings to you and he doesn't see the point in waiting to say it.

✩ He loves using nicknames for you, especially Princess, Sweetheart, and Love.

✩ He has no problem holding your hand, hugging you, or kissing you in public. He is not ashamed for people to know that you're his.

✩ He tries his best to remember everything you tell him about yourself because he likes to use the stuff he learns about you to plan special dates and gifts for you.

✩ He is very loyal and very reliable. He's not gonna leave you or abandon you and he's always going to be there for you no matter what happens. Even when deployed he will try to still be there from a distance.

✩ He is very protective over you, he always wants to make sure that you're safe. He checks up on you a lot to make sure you're doing alright and okay.

✩ Nothing you do would really bother him unless it was genuinely awful, but a few bad habits aren't a big deal to him.

✩ Can't use technology for shit and was impressed when he found out about games like Candy Crush. He once thought popup ads were viruses and asked Gaz for help.

✩ He finds it hard to find you annoying since he thinks you're so adorable. Even if you're trying to annoy him it won't work. He'll love every second of it.

✩ He finds you beautiful no matter what so you don't have to worry about looking a certain way for him.

✩ Since you came into his life, he can't even imagine being without you. He would feel so empty without you by his side.

✩ He loves photography and loves it when you're in his pictures and keeps a photo album of you and him.

✩ Whenever he is deployed he misses you all the time. He hates having to be away from you. He finds it helpful to look at the photos he has of you and tries to call you as much as he can.

✩ He has a lot of trouble sleeping at night due to stress, but you definitely help ease his tension. You advised him to get prescription sleeping pills since the melatonin gummies weren't enough.

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