Phillip Graves

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Author's Note: I started to get kinda silly near the end. I couldn't help it, Phillip Graves just brings out the silly side in me.


✩ He pampers and spoils you all the time. Anything you want is yours. He takes care of you and makes sure you've eaten, drank water, and feel good. He does what you want and helps you out whenever he can.

✩ He loves what he likes to call "cuddle time" with you. He can and will cuddle you for hours anytime. He loves it when you rest your head against his chest and let him play with your hair. He's very comfortable to cuddle with too, you could easily fall asleep in his arms.

✩ He wants to wife you up so badly and he definitely will in a short amount of time. It didn't take him long to realize he wanted to marry you.

✩ He's very family-oriented but wants a very traditional family. He gives off dad vibes already so you might as well make it a reality. He would be very happy to have a family with you. He would try really hard to make sure he contributes to the household by providing for the family and trying to help out with chores and the kids.

✩ You guys don't fight often and when you do it's mostly due to him being stubborn. He's used to having his way and putting his foot down when it comes to work, so he sometimes forgets that he needs to negotiate in a relationship. Arguments are never extreme, just a little bit petty, but easily resolved.

✩ His ideal date is anything that involves spending very romantic quality time. He likes romantic settings and intimacy. The closer he can be with you, the better.

✩ He really likes driving at night with you as a form of date. He definitely owns one of those pickup trucks with big ass wheels. If you are short and need help getting in he will lift you up and buckle you in, like a true gentleman. He makes sure to kiss you before getting into the driver's seat. He rests his hand on your thigh while driving and teases you. Things get a bit heated sometimes. Plays music loudly and his music taste is Divorced Dad Rock and Country (real country music, not that other "country" shit)

✩ He loves laying awake in bed with you and talking for hours about anything. Any sort of heart-to-heart conversation means a lot to him. He likes talking about the future with you and making plans.

✩ Lots of compliments and lots of pet names. He rarely uses your actual name. He's usually calling you darling in every sentence he speaks to you but he says it like "darlin'." Also calls you Princess, and Sweetheart.

✩ He doesn't hide things from you. He just won't bring stuff up unless you ask about it because he doesn't think to do so. But he'll give you an honest answer to anything you ask.

✩ He has no problem showing you off in public and kissing and hugging you in front of everyone. Your relationship is well known, even if you're shy about PDA, he'll still hold your hand in public and keep you close to him.

✩ He always makes sure you're safe, even when he's away. He'll force one of the Shadows to watch you if he can't be there. Your safety is not something he messes around with, same with the safety of your children if you guys end up having any.

✩ When he's away, he tries to act like he doesn't miss you around the others, but he secretly really misses you and calls you every chance he gets.

✩ He's arrogant and cocky at times, but it always makes you laugh. He tries to act tough but he's soft for you as much as he doesn't like to admit it. He gives very stereotypical dad vibes and tells stupid jokes that are so bad you have to laugh at him, not with him.

✩ He probably snores really fucking loud (dad snore) and sometimes you have to try and wake him up so he stops, but he sleeps really heavy so good luck with that.

✩ He tries to cook for you but a lot of the time it's really bad. He tried to defend himself by saying, "It's just like my mom's cooking! You said you liked my ma's cooking!" It's not at all like his mom's cooking at all. BUT when it comes to the cookouts and grilling, it's a whole other story. That man can work a grill😩

✩ He likes to have big cookouts, especially for football games and the 4th of July. He invites all the shadows and expects them to bring a dish or some sort of contribution to the cookout 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

✩ AmericaCore✨🇺🇸🦅🔫 to the point where one time you told him to stop being a stereotype because you were embarrassed and he got defensive because deep down he knew you were right. (Me sometimes on special occasions.)

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