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✩ The last thing he ever expected to happen was to be in a romantic relationship. He was barely open to the idea of having friends, only keeping a few people close to him. So him finding a girl he was willing to date was kind of a big deal and unexpected.

✩ He takes care of you, but he's not always sure what to do. He doesn't have good relationship experience so in the beginning he doesn't really understand what it means to care for someone in a romantic sense, but eventually gets used to it.

✩ He won't admit it, but he really likes it when you take care of him and coddle him. Deep down he knows he needs someone like you to function properly.

✩ He likes to hold you tightly against him while sleeping or just while cuddling in general.

✩ He likes it when you kiss his mask. He hates taking it off, so it makes him happy that you are still willing to give him affection while he wears it.

✩ Marriage is not something he ever considered until you brought it up. At first, he didn't see the point because you guys were happy as boyfriend and girlfriend. But the more he started to think about it and realize how much it meant to you, he found the idea sweet and took it into consideration.

✩ Having kids is not even something he would think to consider. If you got pregnant or if you brought up the idea he wouldn't outright say no or abandon you, but he would be very hesitant. He doubts his ability to be a good parent since he has issues. But, it won't take long for the natural fatherly instincts to kick in.

✩ He doesn't like fighting with you, but it still happens very rarely and it's never anything too serious. He knows arguing isn't the proper way to resolve a conflict so he always apologizes, even if he's being stubborn.

✩ He loved you from the beginning but didn't realize it. It took him a while to say it because he wasn't sure if there was a specific time or way he was supposed to say it.

✩ He's not a big fan of dates in public unless it's a fun activity like going to an event. He usually just wants to stay home with you and hang out, watch a movie, drink, cuddle, play video games, or sleep.

✩ He's never been big on PDA, but he doesn't mind it when you hug and kiss him in public. The most he will initiate on his own is holding your hand. But don't let that fool you, if you tease him too much, he will not hesitate to drag you to the car and have a quickie.

✩ He doesn't really know what to say to you, he's never been the best with words. He compliments you of course and tells you how much he loves you, but it doesn't get much better than that.

✩ He doesn't use many pet names besides Baby, Love, and Angel. He didn't start using them until you started calling him pet names first, and he was really confused when you did for the first time.

✩ He's never been very open with anyone, not even you. He didn't tell you about his trauma until it started to become a problem in the relationship and he felt like he had no other choice.

✩ It took him so long to show you his face, you practically had to beg him to show you. When you didn't react negatively, he was surprised. He slowly got more comfortable with taking his mask off around you when eating and sleeping, but he still wears it most of the time, mostly because he hates not having it on. If you ask him to take it off he will as long as you promise to kiss him.

✩ He loves being protective over you and keeping you safe. You mean a lot to him, especially since him getting into a relationship with was so unexpected, it just makes you extra special to him.

✩ He doesn't care about looks when finding a partner, he doesn't think he has the right to judge other people's looks. The issue for him when finding a partner is finding someone he is actually willing to spend his time with and not get annoyed sharing a space with.

✩ Always listening to music and has his headphones on and you have to yell or tap him to get his attention. He likes it when you listen to music with him and always wants control over the music in the car. He loves his music.

✩ He zones out sometimes and you have to snap to get his attention. He gets distracted really easily.

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