Johnny "Soap" MacTavish

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✩ He's big on physical affection. His main love language is physical touch.

✩ He loves hugs and cuddling with you. Likes it when he can wrap his arms around your waist or grab your hips and pull you closer to him.

✩ He kisses you a lot while cuddling and can easily turn it into a full-on make-out session. He loves it when you kiss him on the cheek and lips the most. And loves to kiss your forehead and lips.

✩ He doesn't just take good care of you, but he really enjoys doing it, especially if it means you'll care for him in return. But he'll coddle you for days if that's what you want.

✩ He would propose in a heartbeat if he knew you wanted him to. He loves the idea of making you his officially.

✩ He's not the type to bring up the idea of a family, he's constantly only living in the moment, but he wouldn't be against it at all. The most he would ever bring up is the idea of getting a dog. If you were to bring it up though, he would be completely on board and ready whenever you are.

✩ He always tries to be there for you and make sure you know you can come to him with anything.

✩ He doesn't fight with you, nothing more than small disagreements that are easily resolved.

✩ He's very sweet and kind to you and tries to make sure you are always happy no matter what. Even if he's a little salty with you, he's still gonna love on you.

✩ His idea of a date is usually doing something nice at home. Especially things like movie nights since he can just cuddle up with you on the couch or in bed and hold you close.

✩ He also likes to cook for you and have a nice dinner with you at home since he thinks it's more special than just going out to a restaurant.

✩ He wasn't very big on pet names until you started using them on him, now it's all he uses and the main way he addresses you. He mainly calls you Baby, Sweetheart, Lass, and Love.

✩ He gives you a lot of compliments. First thing in the morning he's saying "Good Morning Beautiful."

✩ He's very open with you since he doesn't have anything to hide. He's very loyal to you and reliable. Very trustworthy.

✩ He really likes showing you off and letting people know how much he loves you and how great of a boyfriend/husband he is. He'll hug and kiss you in front of others with no shame.

✩ He's forgetful. He tries to remember the stuff you tell him, but he gets distracted too easily. You need to remind him to do things all the time.

✩ He's very protective of you when he thinks he needs to be, but he knows you're strong and capable of defending yourself, but a little extra security never hurt anyone.

✩ He's funny and likes to joke around with you a lot and tease you. He loves watching you get "annoyed" by him, knowing you secretly love it.

✩ He can never put into words how beautiful he finds you. He's always reminding you of how beautiful he thinks you are and loves it when you dress up nice.

✩ He likes to go on morning walks around the neighborhood or park and forces you to come with him. He likes to hold your hand and lead the way.

✩ Forces you to play video games with him and gets VERY competitive.

✩ He misses you a lot when he's gone. He loves it when you're clingy because it's his way of knowing you love him, so he hates not being able to experience your touch.

✩ He sleeps so much it's ridiculous. You sometimes envy how easily he can just fall asleep anywhere and stay asleep for hours. Sometimes you'll find him passed out on the couch or recliner and you won't even bother to try to bring him to bed since you know he won't wake up. He loves to sleep beside you and will hold you all night long, not letting you go.

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