Chapter 12- Sweets and Feelings

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Harry and Draco continued their exploration visiting various shops and enjoying the sights and sounds of Hogsmeade. Draco made sure to keep the mood light, cracking jokes and trying to make Harry laugh. It was a sound he hadn't heard in a long time and it warmed the blonde's heart knowing he was the reason behind it. Eventually, the pair wandered into Honeydukes and Draco couldn't help but laugh as Harry's eyes widened in awe at the colorful array of sweets.

"Go on," Draco urged with an amused smile. "Get anything you want, it's my treat." Harry was quick to protest but a stern look from the blonde swiftly silenced him. The raven-haired boy hesitated before grabbing one chocolate frog making Draco roll his eyes. The blonde shook his head in mock exasperation.

"Really, munchkin? Just one? We're in Honeydukes! You can do better than that." Draco said with a chuckle. Harry shot a glare at Draco as the blonde smiled innocently.

"Ugh, where are these nicknames coming from?!" Harry exclaimed making the blonde burst out in laughter. Draco ruffled Harry's hair with a grin.

"Oh don't you worry, there's a lot more coming midget," Draco said with a teasing smile. "You got yourself into this mess the moment you started considering me as your friend."

Harry's glare softened into a reluctant smile as he stared at the blonde. With a huge grin, Draco began grabbing more treats for Harry. A few Sugar Quills, Exploding Bonbons, more chocolate frogs, Bertie Botts beans, and a few Cauldron Cakes. Harry's jaw hung open at the amount of sweets.

"I- Draco I can't even eat all of this!" Harry exclaimed in surprise. Draco rolled his eyes at this.

"Oh shut up, you can. This isn't even much," Draco replied as Harry stared at him in disbelief. "You can give some to your Gryffindork friends." Draco said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. Harry instantly shook his head in protest.

"Draco you're spoiling me.. I-I can't take this..." Harry said with a frown. The blonde ignored how his heart fluttered when Harry said his first name and stepped closer to the smaller boy. Harry felt his breath hitch at Draco's close proximity and stepped back instinctively. Draco's expression softened as he stepped closer to Harry again.

"You deserve to be spoiled, darling," Draco whispered, gently brushing a few stray strands of hair from Harry's eyes. Harry looked up at Draco and their eyes locked. A wave of emotions crossed Harry's mind as he stared into Draco's eyes. Harry felt a mix of nervousness and an unexplainable warmth in his chest. The world around them seemed to fade in the background, leaving just the two of them at that moment. At that moment, all Harry could hear was the frantic thump of his own heart. Harry opened his mouth to say something in reply but wasn't sure what he wanted to say or if he even needed to say anything at all. The intensity of Draco's stare made it hard to think straight.

Draco's fingers lingered in Harry's hair for a moment longer than it should have and his eyes flickered down to the smaller boy's lips before he slowly withdrew his hand away. The blonde stepped away gulping hard and Harry found himself missing the warmth of Draco's body close to him. Draco took a deep breath, trying to regain his composure.

"Come on, it's almost time to meet the others," Draco said, his voice slightly shaky. "Let's pay for these and head to Three Broomsticks." Harry nodded his head absent-mindedly feeling a bit dazed.

"What the fuck was that... what the actual fuck was that?!" Harry thought to himself frantically as he tried to calm himself. What Harry didn't realize was that Draco was internally freaking out just as much as he was.

The two boys silently made their way to the counter with their basket filled with sweets. An elderly witch with a kind smile rang up their purchase. Draco quickly paid for the sweets, refusing to let Harry even see the total despite Harry's attempts to pay for it himself. The pair stepped back into the bustling streets of Hogsmeade with Draco carrying the overflowing bag of sweets and books Harry had gotten earlier regardless of Harry's protests to carry them himself.

As the pair made their way to Three Broomsticks in comfortable silence, Harry glanced over at Draco who seemed to be deep in thought. The blonde's usual smirk was replaced with a soft smile and Harry felt his chest flutter at the sight. Noticing the raven-haired boy's eyes on him, Draco turned to meet Harry's eyes.

"You're staring," Draco pointed out staring at the shorter boy.

"You should smile more," Harry bluttered out before he could stop himself. The blonde blinked in confusion, then burst out laughing. Harry felt himself turn red in embarrassment and buried his head in his arms feeling embarrassed. "I-I.. what I meant to say is..." Harry stuttered helplessly as Draco continued laughing.

"Cute..." Draco thought to himself as he stared at the blushing boy. Harry huffed in frustration and crossed his arms.

"You're impossible, Malfoy." Harry said rolling his eyes at the blonde. Draco grinned teasingly.

"Yet you're still here," Draco pointed out as he reached out to ruffle Harry's hair. Harry swatted his hand away with a glare but the small smile on his lips gave him away. They walked the rest of the way to the Three Broomsticks in comfortable silence, occasionally bumping their shoulders.

Warmth and noise greeted the pair as they stepped into the crowded pub. The familiar aroma of butterbeer and food floated through the air. Draco quickly scanned the room and landed on a group seated at a large table near the fireplace.

"Over there," Draco said, nodding towards the table where several familiar faces were waiting for the two to appear. The Slytherins looked up as they noticed Harry and Draco approaching the table.

"Finally," Blaise said rolling his eyes, "I was beginning to think you two had gotten lost."

"Or decided to elope," Millicent added with a mischievous grin, her eyes darting between Harry and Draco. Harry felt his face heat up and subconsciously hid behind Draco as the others laughed at Millicent's statement. Draco rolled his eyes but couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips.

"Very funny, Milli. We were just picking up some books and sweets for Harry." Draco said as he took the empty seat beside Theodore. Harry timidly sat between Draco and Blaise.

"Looks like you picked up the whole shop," Theo remarked, eyeing the overflowing bag Draco set down on the table.

"Merlin's beard, that's a lot of books!" Blaise exclaimed as he peeked into the bag. "Have you gotten books to last you the entire year or something?" Blaise continued as he stared at Harry dumbfounded. Harry slumped in his seat due to embarrassment as the others watched the exchange chuckling to themselves.

"Leave the boy alone Blaise," Pansy said stepping in to help Harry. "Just because you've never picked up a book in your entire life doesn't mean everyone's like that."

"Exactly," Draco added smugly, smirking at Blaise. "Some of us are actually smart enough to read. You should try it sometime."

Harry shot a grateful smile at Pansy as everyone's attention shifted from him to Blaise and Draco's bickering. The group fell into easy conversation as they waited for the drinks and food they had ordered. Harry stayed quiet watching as the Slytherins teased each other mercilessly.

As the drinks and food arrived, Draco handed Harry a butterbeer with a soft smile. Harry accepted it and their fingers brushed for a brief moment. The warmth of Draco's touch lingered as Harry pulled his hand away and Harry felt his cheeks heat up again. The raven-haired boy quickly took a sip of his butterbeer to hide his embarrassment.

"What is wrong with me..." Harry thought to himself as he tried to calm his rising heart.

A/N: Ahhhhh I can't thank you guys enough for reading this book! When I started to write this I honestly did not expect so many positive words so I'm truly thankful :)

I hope you guys liked this chapter and feel free to leave a comment ^^

I also wanted to say that I have posted this story on Wattpad as well

I hope you have a wonderful day/night <3


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