#4 How you met

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Hey guys! So I'm gonna try posting as much as I can but my cramps are really bad today so it's gonna be slow. Since the last two were really short I made a longer one and I hope you like it! Love you Xx

Luke: At the store - You ran through the many isles looking for it, It's the only thing you came for. When you finally saw it, it felt like your heart dropped to your stomach because you saw a very tall, blonde boy in all black picking up the last penguin plush on the shelf. You ran to him hoping that he would give it to you "Um excuse me" you said halfway down the isle to get his attention. When he turned to face you, you said "Hi, I was wondering if I could have that penguin? I've been searching the whole store for it and-" "Yeah sure, here you go" he said cutting you off and handing it to you. "But only if I could get your name and number?" He asked shyly. You thought it was cute so you you smiled and nodded, he handed you his phone and you put everything in. He looked at his new contact "Hm... Y/n, pretty name for a pretty girl." you blushed and asked for his name and number as well.

Calum: You grew up together - Your parents were best friends before you and Calum were even thought of. Your parents moved right next to each other a year before you both were born and Cal was just a couple days older than you. As you grew up you were close and always joked around about getting married to each other or being anything more than friends. You always saw Cal as an older brother, well until you got feelings for him. Since you tell him everything you accidentally told him that you have a massive crush on him, and to your luck he admitted his feelings for you as well. You dated for two months without anyone knowing until Mali (Calum's sister for those of you who don't know) walked in on you two kissing, so a couple of weeks later when both of your families joined for dinner you finally told them and they were ecstatic and said they "Knew you would end up being together".

Michael: The mall's food court - You were sitting alone, a plate of Panda Express in front of you and a plate with three slices of pizza on the other side of the table across from you. You were at the mall shopping with your little sister and you were just waiting for her to come back from the bathroom. You were scrolling through your Instagram and stuffing you face with Chinese noodles when a boy with purple hair sits across from you. "You know, your like my pinky toe, because I would bang you into every piece of furniture in my house". As soon as those words left his mouth you started laughing and choking on the huge amount of food that was in your mouth. You Finnished choking and swallowed your food "Oh my god I almost died!" You joked laughing with him. "Well did you like my pick up line? Did it work? Do you ever wanna... like, I don't know hang out sometime? Or were you choking because it was so bad? I don't know you just caught my eye and I wanted to know if I could get your number?" He asked "Awh your nervous! That's so cute, yeah of course you can have my number! I'm y/n by the way" you said writing down your number on a napkin and giving it to him " I'm michael, it was nice to meet you y/n, I will call you later bye."

Ashton: At the park - You didn't really get along with the people at your school, they were different from you and you always got picked on. Today was bad though, it was worse than normal. Foul names were being called at you literally every step you took and you were pushed around a couple of times. You weren't minding any of this until a group of girls told you to go kill yourself. After that you couldn't take it anymore, you ran out of school at to the park that was across town. You say down under a tree and started crying. You couldn't hold it in any longer, but you didn't realize how loud you were crying until someone sat down right next to you. "Hey, it's okay. Don't cry, everything is going to be okay, please don't cry, stay strong." You felt arms wrap around you, pulling you in for a hug. You looked up to see his face but pulled away immediately after seeing that you didn't know this person."Who are you?" You asked, less tears falling down your cheeks now. "I'm Ashton! I know that I don't know you, but you seemed so sad so I wanted to comfort you. I'm sorry if this feels weird." He said giving you a sympathetic look. "No it's fine, I guess I kinda needed a hug" you said laughing slightly "You look so much prettier when you smile, oh and if you don't mind me asking... What happened to make you so sad?" He asked "Well I would tell you If I knew you better" you replied and he just nodded in agreement and asked if you wanted to get coffee. After you were done with the coffee you exchanged miners and talked non stop everyday after that.

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