#19 Paranormal Experiences

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Hello my loves, it's been a long week! So I decided I would do a paranormal preference because... Why not? I experienced everything that happened in this preference but alone instead of with one of the boys (sadly)...this also all happened all in the same house. I live in Massachusetts and pretty much every house that's 75+ years old is haunted and the house was about 100 years old, but I wish I could still see ghosts! I hope you all like this preference and I think I'm gonna be doing this in every update now because I saw someone else do it and idk I just want to (please answer the qotd so I don't feel like an idiot)

Words: 2,282
Status: Lazy and Bored
Current Song: King for a day - PTV (ft. Kellin Quinn)
Qotd: Who is your OTP?
Aotd: Cake, Muke, Larry (I'm not sorry)

I Love you all!!! Xx

(Your P.O.V.)

Luke: Luke and I were just coming back from the grocery store, we have about 20 bags of groceries that we would need to carry to our house and I was not looking forward to that. Luke and I lived in a big building with three apartments, it's not that we couldn't afford a house though, it was because the other boys lived above us. Except for Ashton, he lived in the house next to us. Once we were parked we took as many bags as we could and headed to the back of the building because there was less stairs to climb in the back then the front. The back led to the basement too, as soon as you entered the little hallway you could either go to your left -the basement- the right -my back door - walk down the hall then to your left -the stairs to the other back doors. The basement door was opened and I was confused because only luke and I had the key to it and we didn't leave the door open. I reached into the dark room in front of me and turned on the light, and once I did I dropped all of my groceries and I couldn't move. Right in front of me was a man laying on the stairs facing me, he was pale almost grayish, with blue eyes that looked almost white, he had short and thin brown hair that was a little messy, he was really skinny and Im guessing tall because he almost is on every step. He was dirty, his blue plaid shirt had dirt and holes in it and his jeans weren't tight but they were also dirty. It seemed like he was staring at me, looking deep into my eyes and I was staring back. I heard Luke coming and that's when I started running to my door, finally able to register what was happening. I opened it and luke finally came "Babe what happened? You dropped all the food!" He said placing his bags down and picking up the food I dropped. From where I was standing I couldn't see across the hallway and into the basement, and I didn't know why luke wasn't questioning the man down there, so I took a few steps closer to see him again. When I looked he was gone and I couldn't help but gasp, he couldn't have gotten up and left in the amount of time that Luke came. "What? What's wrong y/n? Oh, did you open the basement door?" Luke asked me and I shook my head "Luke there's a man... In the basement, I mean there was a man... I don't know where he went!" I told him still wide eyed and staring at the basement. He looked at me weird and then the basement, he closed the door and locked it, then he grabbed all of the bags lining them up on his arms and a few in each hand. I opened the door for him, and explained everything to him, he got a little shaken up by it which was cute. Once we ate we forgot all about what happened until we saw the basement again.
(This happened when I was about 7 and I remember it like it was yesterday)

Calum: "CALUMMM" I yelled to my husband who was trying to make popcorn "ITS BURNING I CAN SMELL IT" I yelled again. Tonight we are watching a movie while the kids are with Their grandmother, Joy, for the night so it's kids free. While Calum was trying to save the popcorn I sat in the living room on the couch, I was staring outside the window in front of me. It wasn't dark out but it wasn't light out either, the street lights were on though. The sky was a darker shade of blue but it seemed almost orange because of the street lights being so bright. I looked across the street at the house in front of mine, that house was said to be haunted and I believed it. It was almost a greenish color, it had a lot of windows, a few little ones were broken. The house was old and a lot of plants surrounded it like moss, shrubs, dead grass. I wanted to stop looking at it but I couldn't, I stared on the porch of the house where there where a bunch of tiny square window-like pieces of glass were but together to form almost a glass screen. I couldn't stop staring at that exact spot no matter how hard I tried to turn my gaze. Then one of the squares of glass broke and something flew out of it, it was a shadow. It was going toward me and I was afraid, I didn't know what to do! It was so fast, it came through my window without breaking it and I ducked, watching it fly over my head. I grabbed onto the couch cushion, terrified as I watched it go right over me and back to the house it came from. I was shaking and I wanted to run, so I did. I ran as fast as my feet could possibly take me, I ran to Calum in the kitchen accidentally ramming into him. We both ended up falling and the bowl of popcorn he was holding got thrown to the ground too. "Woah y/n what happened babe? Are you okay?" He asked sitting up against the wall and sitting me on his lap, he held me as I started shaking even more. I explained it to him while picking up pieces of popcorn that fell and eating them every so often. Some how we both ended up on the couch laughing at the movie the was currently playing on our TV, it was 'rush hour 3' one of the funniest movies I've ever watched and it cleared my mind for a while but I was still extremely scared of that house across the street.
(The picture of the house is on the side or up above, YES THIS HOUSE IS REAL AND I LIVED IN FRONT OF IT.. It has changed alot since I moved though, less plants and the windows are fixed. This happened when I was around 6-7)

Michael- "Please Mikey!! Come in the water feels great!" I said to Michael from the pool. There was a lot of people in it, all of our upstairs neighbors. We lived in an apartment because it was to much work to live in a house, we love on the first floor and the people who lived on the second and third floor were thankfully nice. Mikey and I were friends with all of them and Mikey has been in the pool with them before so it wasn't an insecure thing. He sighed and rolled his eyes "Y/n I'm eating!" He said taking a huge bite out of his burger. "Ugh fine" you said and started swimming again. After about ten minutes of chicken fights and trying to get Mikey in the pool, you realized that the woman who lived on the second floor's mother wasn't down here. She said she wouldn't swim but that she would be here and I wouldn't blame her because she is about 75. "Hey guys, I'm gonna go see where Mama is okay?" I said getting out of the pool, everyone called her Mama so I did too. They didn't really pay attention to me leaving so I didn't repeat what I said. I grabbed my towel and dried myself off, "Hey Mikey wanna go see if Mama is coming down?" I asked him and he nodded. We went up the stairs to the second floor and walked through the open door into the apartment, they always kept it open while they were downstairs. "Mama" I spoke softly just incase she was sleeping, it was dark in the house and Mikey took my hand which got my attention. He pointed with the hand that wasn't holding mine to the kitchen where a dim light was shining, almost as if a candle was lit. I walked over to the kitchen leading Michael behind me and when I entered the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks, I squeezed Michael's hand hard as I was mentally freaking out. He was still behind me so he pushed past me a little to see what was wrong, I felt him tense and a few seconds later I felt him pulling me out of the house. "What the fuck just happened" he yelled and I noticed we were in our house now. "I-I don't know? It... I.... Wow" I whispered. There in the kitchen, was Mama... She was sitting in front of a big circle of candles with a book and two earrings in her hand, in the circle of candle was a pentagram made from either sand or salt. And in her hands were my earrings, she was casting a spell on me, a voodoo spell.
(Yes this happened but to my mom, she was the one who got the spell. The spell was broken once we left the house, I was 11)

Ashton: I looked over to my right and saw Ashton sleeping, he was cuddling a pillow because he hates cuddling me when I'm still awake. It's hard for me to sleep all the time and it's getting annoying, I turned to my right to look at the alarm clock, it's 2:38 a.m. And I'm still not asleep yet. I sighed and my stomach growled, telling me to eat. I got up very slowly making sure not to make any noises to wake Ashton up but failed when I tripped over one of his shoes. "Ow, Fuck" I said when I hit the ground, Ashton stirred in the bed "Hey.. Don't swear" he said sitting up. I giggled and stood up "Well I wouldn't have to swear if I didn't have to trip on your stuff" I said smiling and he rolled his eyes "Go back to sleep okay?" I told him and he nodded, cuddling back into the pillow. When I was in front of the open door that lead to the kitchen, a shadow passed by the door frame and I blinked a few times. I didn't think anything of it, I was probably just seeing things from the lack of sleep. I walked in to the kitchen and made my way to the fridge, then I saw a leg. No, not like a severed leg... Like if someone turned a corner. It went past the fridge and into another room. "Hello? Is someone there?" I asked trying to see through the darkness of the room it went in from my spot in the kitchen, I didn't really want to move now. "Yessss" I heard in my ear, it was more of a whisper. I turned around quickly to see if anyone was there, but there wasn't anyone else but me in the kitchen. I felt a cool breeze and it blew my hair back a little so I was to close the windows but they were already closed. I shrugged it off and went to go get my snack when I heard another noise, I turned to face where it was coming from and there it was, a shadow? I looked at it frightened and confused "A-ASHTON" I yelled, I didn't scream it because I didn't think this thing could do any harm. I dropped my fork so I took my gaze off of the shadow and turned it to the floor to grab it, once I came back up the shadow was replaced by a man. I screamed and jumped back a little, but I relaxed when I saw that it was Ashton. "You called?" He asked and I nodded, I told him what happened and he hugged you while you were talking. "Well since I'm already up, I will eat something with you" he said opening the fridge and looking in it. He grabbed something and turned around not letting me see it "Hey y/n, we should have a party!" He said and I laughed, "oh yeah? What kind of party?" I asked. He took what he was holding from the fridge out from behind his back and he said "A CHOCOLATE MILK PARTY!". I laughed as he danced with the gallon of chocolate milk in his hands singing 'It's a Chocolate milk party' over and over again. I joined him, dancing and singing around the house, laughing at how childish we are.
(I'm sorry I had to! He is just so adorable! This happened when I was about 10)

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