Heartbeat - Ashton

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This is the one shot thing that I talked about in my last preference, I don't really know what a one shot is but I liked when other people did them so... I hope you guys like it. The picture that you see in the side thing is my sister because it's her birthday that was her at 4 and now she is 12 omg. Love you Xx

(WARNING: This May be really sad idk I'm like Half sociopath so I didn't feel any strong emotion to this but my sister cried when I read it to her!)

You ran out of your car to the glass doors opening them, You saw the Janitors still cleaning up the blood from the night before once you entered the hospital. You checked to see if it was okay to see him yet, The girl at the front dest said she would check and told you to sit in the waiting room. When you sat down the events from last night played in your head...
You were laughing as you walked out of the movie theatre, you were on a date with Ashton, your boyfriend of Eleven months. You got in the car your laughter stopping until he said another funny quote from the movie you just watched. He tried starting the car but it just wouldn't start, he checked everything making sure if it was something he could fix or not but he didn't know what was wrong. He called someone to pick it up but it was too late in the night so he had to leave it there until the next day. It was nice outside so you insisted that you should just walk because you would spend more time with Ash that way. You were almost to your house when both you and Ashton saw an alley right next to a diner you used to go to, "Hey babe let's go down there, it will be faster" he said pointing to it. "I don't know, Ash, It looks really creepy." You said hoping he would ask again. "But I will be right here, I will protect you, don't worry okay y/n, I promise I won't let ANYTHING happen to you" He said smiling, you nodded and took his hand as he kissed your temple, walking through it. Half way down the alley you thought you heard footsteps so you turned to make sure you were alone. When you turned you were pushed against the hard brick wall by a creepy guy in a black hoodie, you tried to scream but he put his hand over your mouth. "Hey let her go or -" "I wouldn't do anything if I were you" the guy said interrupting Ashton, he took out a knife and held it to your neck, you started crying but you couldn't help it. "I want money, all the money in your wallets and I will let her go" the man said. Ashton started to walk over to you to grab your purse for your wallet..... at least that's what you thought , as soon as he was close enough he punched the guy full force. As the guy fell you cried out in pain because he accidentally cut your shoulder on the way down, Ashton jumped on him trying to get the knife multiple times but he missed and the guy stabbed him in the stomach. "NO! ASHTON!" you screamed as he rolled off of the guy, the man got up and ran and you couldn't stop crying "Babe are you okay! Please don't leave" you said next to him, he couldn't talk anymore and he was coughing up blood. You screamed for help and people came running to you two calling the cops. You kissed him before they took him into the ambulance to bring him to the hospital, You couldn't stop asking yourself 'Why was it Ashton, why couldn't it be me?'


"Y/n, Ashton is ready to see you" you heard, you didn't even realize you were crying until now when you snapped out of that horrible memory. You wiped away your tears and quickly made it to the 3rd floor of the hospital where Ashton's room was. You entered his room and saw him just laying there, he already looked like he was dead. His face was the palest it's ever been, and there was tried up blood still on his arms from last night. He opened his eyes to look at you and instead of seeing those bright hazel eyes that always held happiness and excitement, you saw dull eyes full of pain and sadness. His heart monitor was beeping slowly making you scared, if his heart is really beating that slow then should there be a nurse here? "Y/n, I missed you babe, come cuddle with me please" he asked making room in the small bed. You smiled and laid down kissing him gently. "Ashton I'm so sorry" you said to him and his face fell. "Baby, this is my own fault, I'm the one who wanted to go down the Alley, I should've just given him the money. You don't have to apologize for my mistakes okay" he asked quite calm about this whole thing and you nodded. You were both quiet for a white and you laid your head on his chest, his heart started beating faster and faster "Ashton are you gonna leave me" you asked with tears in your eyes, when you said leave he knew you meant die, but you didn't like saying that word because it brought you back to past memories. "I'm trying my hardest not to, just for you baby girl, I love you y/n. I will never stop loving you" he said as tears ran like rivers down his cheeks. That made you break, you tried keeping it in for him, you tried staying strong like he would always tell you to but you couldn't help it. You cried Into his chest holding onto him for dear life as he pulled you as close as possible "I love you too Ashton, Always... I will never stop loving you, I will never forget how you saved me, I will love you till the day I die. Always Ashton, I promise." You said to him hearing his heartbeat quicken. "No, Ashton please, Don't go! Don't leave! PLEASE!" You begged. The heart monitor started going off like crazy making you cry harder, "I love you, Y/n" he said. Within seconds his grip on you loosened and instead of the machine beeping rapidly, it was just one long high pitched sound. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP US! PLEASE!!!" You screamed as loud as possible. You kissed him before the nurses had to drag you away, out of the room. You sat in the hallway in a very uncomfortable chair for about 3 hours just waiting for it, Just for someone to confirm your thoughts. Then a nurse walks over with a sour face and says "Excuse me for the words that I'm about to say... I'm sorry for your loss" and you just collapsed. It felt like your whole world just came crashing down, you were saying to yourself that it's your fault and that you let it up, and you couldn't stop crying until you felt there were no more tears left. "I love you Ashton" you said once you left the hospital hoping that wherever he is, he could hear you.

(((Who noticed the song reference? comment what song you think it is!It's Not word for word from the song but if you get I will love you forever!!)))

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