Runaways-Michael (pt.2)

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Hey guys I'm back!! This is not edited so sorry if there are mistakes, there probably will be. I don't have anything fun or exciting to say so I just really hope you like the second part.
Words: 797
Status: Annoyed and bored
If Current Song: Soap by Melanie Martinez
Qotd: Are you excited for Finding Dory?
Aotd: Yess omg Finding Nemo was my whole childhood so I'm probably 10x more exited than the actual age group it's aiming for (did that make sense? Idk)
Thank you to all my readers for reading this shitty book I love you all Xx
Runaways part 2

-The day-

You threw your bag over your shoulder as you placed the note you wrote to your parents on your bed. You wrote two, the first one was the one you always wrote and put on the kitchen table saying you left early, and the second was the note they will see tomorrow when they realize I'm gone for 3 days, the note said:
'(Italics) Dear mom and dad,
You both are probably freaking out right now but don't worry I'm still with Michael. Actually, I'm not coming back for 3 days, it's like my own little vacation away from everything. You both know Mikey would keep me safe no matter what happens so I really don't want you guys to be scared for me, I promise that I will come back and I will be safe.
Y/N '

You double checked your bag, making sure you had everything you needed and then ran to Michael's house down the street. You saw him leaning against his car waiting for you, he laughed as he watched you run. "Mikeeeyyy" you whisper screamed as he opened his arms out for you once you finally got infront of him. You had to whisper because it was only 5:00 a.m. And the whole neighborhood was sleeping, and you were surprised that you and Mikey were actually up this early. You finally finished running and practically fell into his arms to hug him, he hugged you back and laughed at how out of breath you were. "Are you ready y/n.... Are you sure you want to do this" he asked releasing me and looking at his car "Yes, of course I want to do this! And even if I didn't, I wouldn't have chickened out now." You replied. He didn't say anything, he just kissed your forehead and got into the drivers seat. You smiled as you walked to the passenger side, you couldn't help thinking 'wow I can't believe I'm doing this! This is actually happening!". After about an hour of driving, talking, and eating some snacks he bought, he turned on the music and we sang quietly trying to make the other laugh. After a few songs, Runaways by All Time Low came on and you laughed "Really?" You asked him and he smiled. You both started singing again and he looked so cute! "Hey Mikey... Pull over for a second please? You asked and he did even though no one was driving down this road, you were pretty much in the middle of nowhere. "Yeah? Is everything okay?" He asked but you didn't reply, you just pressed your lips against his and he did the same. You and Mikey have kissed before but mostly in dares, the other two times was when you two were on the rooftops and when he admitted he liked you. Even though you liked him back you both didn't really care for a relationship yet so you became best friends instead. When he kissed back it felt like your stomach was in knots but at the same time like there was thousands of butterflies in there too. Once you both pulled away you smiled at him "okay you can continue driving now" you said sitting back in the chair properly. He laughed a little and started driving again. You turned up the volume and opened the sun roof, you unbuckled and stood up on your seat so you went through the sun roof. The wind was blowing all around you and you smiled and you started yelling out the lyrics to 'Runaways' that was still blasting through the speakers. "So let's run away! They will have to find another heart to break! Why don't we just run away! Never turn around no matter what they say we'll find a way! When the sun goes down on this town there'll be no one left but us! Just like runaways! They will have to find some other hearts to break, hearts to break!" You sang at the top of your lungs then you sat down again. "This is gonna be so fun" Mikey said and he grabbed your hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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