#9 The song that reminds him of you (Cake)

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If you guys want I will do 'The song that reminds him of you (Malum)'. I also did an Ashton one shot thing and I will post that next. I hope you like it, btw I really like these songs. Love you Xx
P.s. It's 2:00 in the morning rn and I'm gonna be in a car for 2-3 hours strait and I get car sick so I think today (my sisters birthday) will be a bad day. Lets just hope I don't puke or pass out in the street since I literally haven't slept for days.

Calum: (*****HIS P.O.V.*****)
The drug in me is you By Falling In Reverse
--I can't believe I'm actually meant to be here, trying to consume, the drug in me is you, and I'm so high on misery can't you see--
I watched her lay there, she was sleeping and looked like an angel. She looked so peaceful and harmless just laying there, just how she seemed when I first met her. She was always there for me in the beginning when everything was bad, she made me feel happy like I could finally be myself. I started to want her... then my want turned into need. I was addicted to y/n's love, I was addicted to Y/n's personality, I was addicted to the way she talks and laughs, I was addicted to y/n. She was my own little drug, she would be there for me and make me feel like I was on top of the world, like everything was perfect. But when she was gone I felt worthless and felt disgusted with myself that I needed her to feel happy again. When I she was around I could get high off of the taste of her lips, the sound of her voice, she could make me forget about everything but when she was gone the only thing I got high on was misery and Self-Pity, just waiting for her to come back.

Luke: They Don't Know About Us by One Direction
--They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the I love you's, but I bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us--

It was your one year anniversary with Luke and you were visiting them at one of their concerts (since they were on tour). "Luke!" You screamed running and jumping on him wrapping your legs around his waist as he held your torso close to his in a bear/Koala hug. "I missed you so much" you said into his neck, "I missed you too, happy one year, Love" he said and kissed you. "Are you ready to ask" he said grabbing your hand. You nodded and he lead you to where the boy's manager was to ask if you could finally tell all the fans you were together. No one knows about your relationship except the boys, the workers on tour, and your families... The manager said it's better that way, no drama. You've been constantly asking and now that it's been a year you think that they will actually take your relationship more seriously. You both walked up the the manager hand in hand with nervous looks on your faces and you were really hoping it goes well. You went to talk but the manager beat you to it by saying "I already know what you are going to ask me and the answer is no, I've told you multiple times that there will be way too much drama and drama is bad for the band. Especially if there is a romance brewing, there is no time for a petty little relationship and your lucky I even let you two date. Now leave, Luke you should go and get ready the show starts in 30!". You both started walking away in silence but when no one could hear you to he pulled you in close, your foreheads touching, and he started singing to you. "They don't know about the things we do, they don't know about the 'I love yous' but I bet you if they only knew, they would just be jealous of us" he finished the song and smiled. "That's our song babe, even though they don't know we are together, we still have a group of people that do and most of them are important to us, that's all we really need y/n..... Just until they accept us" He said kissing your forehead.

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