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Taylor sat in the room they had locked her in the past months. it was dim lit like the entire building, the tapestries and carpets a dark ,velvetty red, the bed she sat on black with a metal frame, a pole on edge end that had encarvings from the thousands of times girls like here had tried to tear on the restrains , that held them to the metal and took their ability to move while the things that were done to them , would lead to the same out come without restrains.
Taylor shrugged together as the keys turned in the door and it was unlocked. She knew what that meant. Quickly she grabbed a tissue and whipped her tears, adjusted her lingerie set and slipped into a pair of heels . Then she sat back on the mattress , crossing her long legs and pushing her shoulder length hair back. a quick peak in the mirror showed her reddened eyes and sour expression so sh put on the plastic smile that for some reason was supposed to seem appealing.
whatever was going to happen to her now, she knew if she resisted and didn't play her part, her punishment would be far worse.
This wasn't even slightly what she had wanted. She had wanted to become a musician, perform in front of people and share her music with the world. She had just graduated high school 3 months ago, if the count on the days was right and she hadn't lost track of time. It was hard to tell in here really. there were no windows that could indicate the time of day or anytging but hse had an appointment every hour of the day from 4pm to 4 am to she could count that.
But she guessed John could sense if he let her out she'd run away. unlike the others who were here,. she still had hope and that could be fatal. The others had accepted their fate and as much as she knew some even liked thework they did here or had learned to enjoy it. she didnt know who she could trust with her thought so she kept to herself mostly and she wasn't allowed with the others currently since she had tried to escape a month ago.
no matter how little the blode trusted the other girls she missed the company, the stories. some ofthe girls knew stories about the one or other men who would come in just to give them pleasure. they wouldnt even let them pay, but mr. orgasm donor surely made a better nickname than mr. half cooked spaghetti or mr. kicked puppy, stemming from the noise he made while cumming.
Taylor had spent the past years reading romance books and dreaming of a prince coming along and scooping her off her feet, saving her. she had fantasized about forbidden romance, longing glances across the room and long , whole hearted love confessions, sealed by a romantic kiss.
But the men she met in here were nothing close to a prince. They were the drunk, wife beater cheating kings brothers at most and she felt disgusted 24/7 . she had liked her body before but now all she wanted to do was crawl out of her skin or rub it off until she grew a new layer.
At first she had thought John would be her prince. He picked her up in his new fancy old timer car, bought her pretty things and took her on trips. It wasn't even the material things that pulled her towards him. He was so kind to her. He told her, that had never been asked on a date or had a boyfriend that he loved her and adored her.
He had told her she was so beautiful and so mature for her age. And she had wanted to believe him so badly. He had talked cradles and rings made her feel like the most special woman ever. And so after only a month of dating she had given him her innocence she had originally wanted to keep until her wedding night.
He had told her he didn't know if he could believe her when she told him she loved him and she had asked how she could proof it. It hadn't been the first time she had dreamed off, not by far. It had hurt her and she hadn't felt one of the emotions she had read about so many times.
Now that he was gone she could see it all so clearly. She had been much too young to messed with, he hadn't loved her, he had manipulated her into becoming a whore for him.
She could still remember the first time it happened, she probably never would be able to forget it. she had worn her favorite blue sun dress for him since he told her to make herself look pretty. she even straightened her hair until it reacher to her hips and scooped it up with a hair clip, a matter of hours since she knew he liked shorter hair on her. He had picked her up in his car and driven her to a house she had never been to.
"Taylor.. I have to tell you something babe" she frowned and set up straighter and took his hand. "you can tell me everything babe" she had said , no idea what she was getting herself into. "do you love me?" he had asked and like he had conditioned her to she immediately said "yes".
He had gotten mad her so many times when she took a second to reply and she didn't want him to get mad, it was their 2 month anniversary after all. "I would do anything for you" she added, earning a peck on the lips by him, trying not to pull a face when she tasted the cold smoke she hated.
"well I owe some guys money and they will.. they will kill me if they don't get it in time." She had gasped and teared up. God looking back she had been so naïve.
"I don't have much money but I can ask my parents! Or you can hide in our house , they won't find you there!" she had whispered and cupped his face gently.
That's when he had told her he had this friend who would give her money if she spent the night with him. She hadn't wanted it, but she was so scared he would ge hurt or worse. before he led her into the house he pulled out the hairclip and told her it made her look older than she was. she had cried the whole time. John had just watched , not left the room. he had palmed his crotch while the man she didnt know laid ontop of her, held her down. She had been in pain the whole time until it got soo bad she felt nothing anymore.
The girl in the dress had cried the whole way home.
And now this was her every day or well every night business. Sleeping with men for money, that went straight into Johns pockets and crying her eyes out until the next one knocked.
She looked up trying to look seductive when the door was pushed open. But to her surprise John himself was in the doorway. he pushed inside the room and pushed her back on the bed.
"common now, you get to go out" he told her afterwards ,gesturing for her to get up.
She obeyed immediately,fixed her underwear quickly and let him pull her through the hallway into the big dim lit cushioned room where a man sat. He was clad in an expensive suit and got up as soon as she was torn into the room. He was tall with broad shoulders, his face obscured by the shadows of the room.
"Taylor, meet your new husband."

Beauty and the Beast (a Tayvis FanFiction)
FanfictionTaylors Life has been hell for the past 3 months. Different men every day that do unspeakable things to her and all because she trusted one too much. She has always dreamed of a fairytale happy ending but currently she's living her nightmare. That...