please remember to vote and comment my loves.
also disclaimer: a right to choose also means the right to choose to keep a child and for me personally every decision has to be respected. some of you guys were very VERY disrespectuful in that and even if i get you have wished for how the story mght proceed, wishing someone to have a misscarriage, even a fictional character is ust fucked up and i dont want to see that in my comment section again. the choices Taylor makes in my books and the thinsg that happen have a reason and you can ome at me if you disagree something but not my characters okay?
talks of misscarriage, miscarruage, talks of sa and more ( i have not experienced a misscarriage but i will do my best to handle this topic with the most care i can, if i have anything "wrong" please correct me and inform me because its the last thing i want to do<3)
Travis kelce got 4 speeding tickets as he rushed towards the hospital in his sports car, parking infront of it with squealing tires, almost forgetting to lockm the cr as he jogged to the entrance of the hospital.
he had taken the little bag one of Taylors doctors had told him to pack with him, some care items that meant alot to Taylor to take care of her and her body wth what she was going through. no matter if thi was his or matties baby , it was his wife, his Taylor who was now loosing it and he knew how much that meant to the both of them.
even if the baby hadnt been his that didn't mean he hadn't aleady started thinking about holding the little baby in his arms, watching Taylor become the mother she seemingly had always destined to be and spending time with his growing family.
"kelce?" he asked and was guided to one o the private suites immediately, following the nurse on foot.
"she's been really upset so we gave her a small doze of tranquilizers.. this is a hard time for your wife and she needs your support now, so no jokes, no inappropriate stuff and no suggestion to "make a replacement" understood?"
TRavis nodded immediazely holding the bag for Taylor a little tighter, fighting the tears that were about tospill from hus ,eyes or at least that was what it felt like.
"do you really have to tell that to some guys? I know she was carrying it and it's so much worse for my girl but I'm also loosing my child." he couldnt help but feel bad about the poor women who had to put up with the guys that were the reason for these kind of disclaimers.
"well you never know" the nurse sighed before letting him into the room, eyes immediately landing on the woman propped up against the sterile white hospital pillows in the bed from across him.
Taylors golden curls were helf together by a scrunchie and the hospital gown she was wearing made her look so tiny Travis just needed to protect her. the black pools under her eyes indicated how much she had cried and the thick white hospital blankets hid her form as he stepped closer, Taylors hand immediately reaching out for him.
Travis almost ran to her pulling her into a tight yet careful embrace while the tears started to bubble up again and soft sobs shook Taylors body while she tightly held onto Travis, burrying her fingers into the fabric of his shirt to pull him closer.
"im so sorry kitten , so sorry" he whispered quietly kissing the top of her head while she burried her face in his chest further. a little sob escaped Taylor as she pulled Travis down to her side , curling up into him clutching him closely.
"i just thought i had ate too much cheese cause my belly was hurting a-and then i notced i was bleeding, l-like alot" Taylor cried clutching Travis closer as her whole body shook and even tho Travis tried his best to keep his composure for Taylor, to stay strong within just seconds his body was in synch with hers, tears rolling over his cheeks too.
"oh baby" Taylor sobbed, wrapping her arms around Travis neck to pull him closer . they just laid there for a while, holding each other close sniffing and crying while Travis carefully caressed iver Taylors stomach, moving over into soft massage like motions Taylor showed him that eased her pain slightly.
the doctor knocked eventually, taking some of the thinsg again and brnging an ultrasound withhim.
"I'm alicia your doctor, my condolences Mr. and Mrs. Kelce. I know this is a very hard time for you but i need to make some examinations to ensure everything else is okay. would you guys like to know what you were having?"
Taylors eyes moved to Travis immediately almost pleading and he nodded at the doctor , pulling his wife a bit closer.
"we will make a dna tests on the disposed matter so we can tell then, and if you wnat to we can incinerate them for yu so you g'could have a symbolic funeral?"
the pair nodded simultaneously, Taylor rolling onto her back and pulling the gown asside for the ultrasound the doctor had brought, still tightly holding onto Travis tightly as the doctor carefully spread the ultrasound gel on the still slightly swolen stomach, turning the monitor on and movng the wand back and forth to make herself a picture while Taylor turned to Travis tears in her eyes.
"i want this again Travy.. I-I know we just lost him o-or her but i want to give them a sibbling they can look over from heaven, i-i want to be a mom Travis" she sniffed, almost begging and immediately Travis hand found its way to her cheek , stroking over it in a gentle motion.
"we'll make that happen kiten, anything you want i will make it happen for you, i pomise i will make you happy again." he whispered kissing the top of her head as her tears flowed, a little thankful smile on Taylors lips. she hadnt married a monster, she had married the best man there was.
"i-I can still have children right??" she asked whipping her head around to the doctor who was frowning at the little screen.
"yes, definitely Mrs Kelce but there's actually something i have to talk to you about.." she said, turning the csreen towards the couple, the usualy to a not medical professional untelling black and white filling it.
"is evrything okay?" Travis asked concerned, stroking over his wifes arm to calm her while hi own heart beat like crazy.
"well.. yes it is but there is something that is actually really rare that your other doctors seemed to not have noticed so far.. have you ever heard of supefetation?"
the couple shook their head as the doctor nodded scooting a bit closer
"so it's something really rare that can happen.. during your pregnancy apparently your body took a while to realize it had a little being living in it and so.. it kept producing other eggs , whcih is most likely the reason you didn't realize you were pregnant. and about 6 weeks ago one of those eggs got fertalized meaning.."
taylor blinked a few times taking everything in.
"I'm having our baby"

Beauty and the Beast (a Tayvis FanFiction)
FanfictionTaylors Life has been hell for the past 3 months. Different men every day that do unspeakable things to her and all because she trusted one too much. She has always dreamed of a fairytale happy ending but currently she's living her nightmare. That...