19 beauty and the beast

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That night neither of them was able to sleep.

Taylor lay awake, thinking about Travis lips on hers, his soft touch and the fire in his eyes when he looked at her. It was different than before. And after his confession she finally started allowing herself to fall .

She wouldn't ignore her emotion anymore, she wouldn't dare to do so. She knew her heart belonged to him no matter how long or well short they had known one another and this time, as opposed to what had happened with John, she knew he would keep her safe.

She sighed and got up at 4 am finally going downstairs as to not wake Travis, going over to the living room to play with Benjamin and Button. The two cats had grown so much and even if she had to handfeed them she loved them so much. It didn't help much with Travis gangster image but it made the estate a lot homier.

While stroking Benji's stomach she looked down at the ring on her finger, at the sparkling sapphire Travis had given her as a place holder until their wedding day. It was so gorgeous and she loved seeing it there by now.

The metal reminding her she was cuffed and caught in this palace like house was now a reassurance. It meant she was safe, it meant Travis Kelce would be her husband in just a few days and he would keep her safe from now on she knew that.

Travis lay awake staring at the ceiling. God he could still beat himself up over hurting Taylor but he would make sure it would never happen again. God her scent haunted him like a recurring thought and the lack of her body besides him kept him up.

He rolled aside, laying eyes on the little pair of panties he had put on his nightstand. He hadn't taken care of himself earlier like Taylor had suggested. He couldn't. he knew this wouldn't work out without her. For some fucking reason he just couldn't but he knew Taylor wasn't ready for that yet.

He heard a little rumble from downstairs and frowned, grabbing the gun stashed under his pillow, only in a pair of boxers as he descended the stairs, ready to shoot the intruder as he ended the kitchen only to find Taylor cowering on the floor, picking up the cat treats scattered all over the floor , the bow she had dropped shattering back onto the floor when she looked up the see the gun.

Travis sighed softly, putting it into one of the cabinets before offering his hand to Taylo, pulling her back onto her feet until she was stood against his chest, a smile on his lips he couldn't help himself.

"next time you cant sleep come find me instead, I thought you were a break in or something" he mumbled caressing her cheeks, lost in her blue eyes as she giggled lightly, her cheeks reddening at his gently touch.

"I'm sorry I woke you up, I just thought you know might as well feed the furr babies, didn't mean to almost make you shoot me."

Travis chuckled and pulled her into a soft kiss mumbling against her plump lips. "I was on alarm, I can't have my beautiful bride getting hurt just 2 days before she is officially mine"

Taylor couldn't help but giggle again, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him into yet another kiss, deepening it more and more as she stumbled back against the counter, Travis hands finding her thighs beneath her ass, lifting her up onto the counter while they kissed each other more and more.

"so that's why you wanted me to come find you huh? Still haven't taken care of that little problem of yours" she groaned feeling his bulge pressing up against her and god the problem was definitely not very little.

Travis trailed his kisses over her jawline to her neck, peppering gentle kisses against her skin. "well yes I haven't but that's not why I wanted you to come to me. The last thing I wanna think about is you laying in bed at night all by yourself" he mumbled a soft laugh falling from Taylors lips.

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