20 - flights and flight

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It was 3 am when Travis burst into Taylors room, the blonde leaning up and blinking against the darkness of her room that was disrupted by the light from the hallways while he bust through the door, rushing towards her.

"What's going on Travy?" she whispered confused while he picked her up, hr arms moving around him immediately, nuzzling into his neck as he lifted her off the bed. She was confused, she just woke up but she trusted him with her life.

"we have to go, its urgent" he mumbled into her hair, carrying her downstairs as he did so, the front door already open as he carried her towards the black limousine waiting for them. Taylor shivered feeling the cold night air and as soon as they sat down in the car and it drove off, Travis slipped out of his knit sweater leaving him in a shirt and brushing it over her to keep her warm.

"Travis we cant just go , what's going on? Is someone after us?" she asked scared looking up at the giant of a man, who's arm moved around her to secure her in his lap. God she looked so tiny curled up against him that he had to remind himself not to kiss her but to keep talking.

"something like that but we have to leave, this car will bring us to the airport where my jet's waiting." Taylors frown only grew as she sat up slightly and god she looked so adorable in his way too big on her sweater , he couldn't help but start trailing kissing over her cheek, down her jar.

"but what about all my stuff Travis, I don't even have clothes to change into:" she mumbled, doing her best to focus, his muscles strong arms around her waist, his hot kisses trailing down her neck.

"oh kitten I'll buy you a million new dresses if I must but I packed some in case, they're in suitcases in the trunk along with bathroom necessities." He murmured, gliding one of his hands up her slender thigh slowly, caressing it and god he wanted nothing more but to push up further.

But Taylor had other concerns apparently. "what about the cats what about Benji and Button we have to go back and go get them before something happens to them!" her voice became more and more panicked as she spoke, so instead of kissing her again he gently nudged her chin with aid of his finger to the side.

Taylor squeaked as her eyes landed on the cat transport box in which both of their little kittens were, laying on a very soft looking blanket curled up together. Taylor immediately slid off of Travis lap and opened the top of the box, carefully lifting them out of it and into her lap to pet them.

"Oh my poor boys you must be so confused and frightened by all that's going on, but Travis will make sure we're safe, I promise" she promised while gently stroking their fur and peppering little kisses onto their heads while they wrangled in her lap.

Travis huffed, a little pout on his face when Taylor turned back up to meet his gaze. "why do they get kisses and sweet talk and I get disregarded as soon as there is a cat in the room" he grumbled but Taylor could make out the humorful undertone.

A soft laugh pearled off her lips as she shook her head , gently putting the cats back into the basket and closing it before straddling Travis lap again, her arms moving over his shoulders s she leant forward, this time moving her lips over his bearded cheek .

She kissed up and leant just a fraction closer to whisper into his ear "oh yeah, you'd rather have me stroking you wouldn't that be right Mr. Kelce" she smirked at the little groan falling from his lips as he pulled her closer, strong hands on the soft fabric of his own sweater.

As she continued whispering things into his ear, one would not describe as filthy her hand wandered down from the back of his head towards the bow that held his sweatpants up. Her gentle slender fingers undid the bow with ease while she caressed the skin on his chiseled abdomen with her thumb before sliding her hand down into her fiancés boxers.

A moan slipped passed his lips as Taylor wrapped her hand around his stiffening cock, slowly starting to stroke him, for the first time feeling just how fucking big he was. And god her mind was already starting to spin wild with the fantasy of feeling him in her finally.

"you like when I stroke you a lot better it seems" she smirked, trailing it all the way up to Travis now completely hard cock, running her thumb over the tip of his cock, covered in precum.

Before she could go any further thought the car stopped causing her to extract her hand from his boxers immediately and licking it clean of his fluids, all while keeping eye contact. Travis groaned softly as the door was opened by his security.

"we're at the airport now sir." He nodded as Travis groaned sighing and throwing his head back before wrapping his arms around his fiancé, grabbing the cats cage with one hand as he got the both of them out of the car, watching out for Taylors head as he kissed her cheek gently , a few of his men surrounding them making Taylor cling tighter to him.

She was clinging onto him, hiding her face in his neck and then it dawned on him, she didn't know they were his guys. "its okay baby" he mumbled rubbing her back gently.

"suitcases in the trunk, load em in , I'll bring my queen inside." He ordered before carrying Taylor to his jet, carrying her up the stairs while he rubbed over the small of her back.

"where are we going?" the blonde mumbled holding onto him as he sat down in one of the luxurious seat, his initials embroidered into it, initials above it.



The a was accessorized with a little golden crown above it and Taylor frowned as she saw it much to Travis dismay ,who just wanted to pick up where the both of them had left off. "what does that mean ?" she asked tracing over it.

"that means this seat is for me, with you, my queen on top of me and you must be sitting on my lap" he smirked and Taylor couldn't help but giggle and blush, as Travis grip on her back tightened.

"Now let the upholstery be upholstery, let the cats be cats and lets get to us cause I think that's a lot more interesting" he wiggled his brows taking her hand and guiding it towards his still had boner.

Taylor smirked reaching in slowly and wrapping her hand around his hard cock before stilling the smirk on her face widening even further.

"not until you tell me where we are going baby, then ill take care of you all you want" she husked and softly tightened her grip making Travis groan as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.

"fuck okay so.. were on the way to Lago di Como, where we're going to get married in the family estate, like a surprise." He groaned bucking his hips into her but she let go of him squealing in delight.

"oh Travy that's SOOO romantic!" she grinned happily but Travis head seemed to be somewhere else as he whines reaching for her hand again but she pulled it away, evil grin on her face.

"Travis if were flying to Italy that means it's basically already the day before our wedding so I can't sleep with you, its bad luck, including hand jobs, sorry amore." She grinned kissing his cheek as he slumped back into his seat but he couldn't help but reciprocate her wide smile.

Tomorrowhe would get to call this woman his wife. And it would be the best day of his life.

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