34 satin and timing

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the next weeks were spent anxiously by the newly weds. the had had an intimate ceremony, with Sabrina and a few close friends to bring their frst baby to rest. the dna results had showed it would have been a girl and so Travis and Taylor had decided to baptise her on the name victoria, the small grave of hers on the family graveyard. 

it had been a tearful matter and ust to be sure neither Taylor nor Travis dared to tell the family about Taylors pregnancy. it had been hard to her, the balance between grief and joy but Travis had managed to shift her view on things slightly. 

"I'm sure wherever Vicky is now she will be looking out for her new sibbling and keep them safe.. she akways make sure her sibblings are safe and be with them  and one day we will get to see her again but until then we need to make sure you and her little sibbling are safe and happy and healthy, kitten, okay?" 

and  now 4 months later, finally in the safe zone to tell people, Travis let Taylor come with him to more and more work events. he knew they had had to be careful about the pregnancy and be careful Taylor wasn't under alot of stress but after she had spent the first 3 months of her pregnacy at home with the kittens and book he also knew he missed her too much when he wont on his dinners and on his business meetings if she wasn't by his side and that was also the only way he could keep her safe at all times. 

Today they had been invited to his business partner Kyles head quarter, a chique dinner at the mans personal restaurant and he knew an invitation like this always had a certain motive. ever since he had taken over the business from his father he hadnt exactly made himself the most likable chef but that was not what being a mafia boss was about. 

but he has gotten rid of many of his dads formr partners, Matty only one of many who had been doing unspeakable things, so unethical even Travis with all of hs reputation could no longer tolerate. some had ust parted with him , even tho hesitant or angry while he had gotten rid of others the hard way, but he had had to in order to assure his wifes safety. 

"kitten are you ready?" he called up the stairs, fixing his suit jacket into  place, making sure his buttons were done up the whole way since he knew Taylor wouldnt be able to resist opening a few and he loved when she did. no matter how often she scolded him for not leaving them open he knew damn well she loved to be the one to fix her mans appearance nd he would never take that from her. 

ever since they had found out se was past the risky time Travis had barely been able to keep his hands of his wife, no matter if it was for hot passionate sex o for gentle stroked and baths he ran for her, making sure she felt good about herself and as comfortable as she could. 

"done" she grinned and immediately Travis eyes darted up, his heart starting to race like crazy as he laid eyes on Taylor. god she was gorgeous beyond belief. her long curls floated aorund her liek rays of sunshine, skin glowing and eyes sparkling. 

she was a goddess straight from Olympus and there was no way there was another womn in the existence and humanity that was more beautiful than her. to her body clung a dress out of rich satin, gliding over her body like a waterfall made just for her. the dress was a soft ivory and if someone had claimed she was a bride she would hve been the most beautiful one. 

"wow" he couldnt help but whisper drinking her in admiring every inch of her, so much so tht when Taylor mad it to the bottom of the stairs he was stone hard for her, the blonde giggling lightly at her husbands antics. Kylie had warned her the romance may pass after a few month let alone after she got pregnant but taylor found that at least in her case to be very untrue. 

he just kept staring blinking to himself as if he was copying every single centimeter of her into his memory making Taylors giggle even more. "didnt you say we had to drive in 2 mintes i remember something about not being lat-" she started but was interrupted by Travis lips on her, kissing her eagerly, sinking his fingers into her hair as he pulled her with him stumbling back until he was on one of the couches, hands moving towards the hem of her dress, starting to lift it " you remember wrong" 

she giggled as he lifted her skirt for her so she could move up and straddle him, groaning as she felt him hard and ready presing up against his zipper. ever since she had hit 2nd trimester Taylor resented wearing uderwear and so in solidarity travs had stopped wearing any too, so when taylor pulled down the zipper of his pants his cock sprung free, hard, tip covered in precum nd fuck she could feel herself dripping as well. 

"god you're so fucking gorgeous kitten." Travis sighed, guiding her forward by her hips and guiding himself between her legs, waiting until he got a little nod of consent before he pushed inside, both of them groaning as Taylor started to sink down on him, one inch after another. 

in synch both of their heads sagged forwards, forheads pressed together as Taylor tarted to mover her hips, riding Travis slowly, sensually and yet wit a certain urgency that let Travis eyes roll into the back of his head, his ahnds running up and down Taylos thighs as he ground his hips up to meet Taylors thrusts, one of his hands moving up into Taylors hair, keeping her closely. 

"fuck im gonna cum daddy." Taylor whimpered driving her hips forward faster, her thrusts growing sloppy as she clenched aorund her husband and within seconds both of them were cumming, Travis hot seed shooting into Taylor as he held her close, peppering open mouthed kisses over her skin, over hr collarbones and throat, sucking slightlly on he pulse point, enough to leave a blooming hickey when he pulled away. 

"you're so mine babymomma." 

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