Chapter 12

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He is standing right in front of you. He hasn't changed much - his brown eyes, his confident posture, that charming smile that managed to make butterflies swirl in your stomach all those years ago.

Except now, that smile isn't so charming to you anymore. It's only creating an unpleasant feeling in your tummy.

You consider getting up. Running away, and pretending this encounter never happened. But you can't - your legs refuse to cooperate.

Your mind is racing with the memories you had tried so hard to keep buried down inside.

"Nakano... It is you", his voice is laced with a tone of familiarity. Like you are both back to being 14 year olds in your second year of Junior high.

He looks more mature now. He's taller, has broader shoulders, and a deep voice. He's still as handsome, if not more.

"It's been a while", he says.

You can feel your carefully constructed façade start to fall apart. "Maeda", you manage to say as plainly as possible, "It has been a while".

"Wow", he chuckles, oblivious to the the tension radiating from you, "You really haven't changed much. You still look the same".

You're boiling. How dare he talk to you like nothing happened. Like he didn't completely tear you to pieces. Like he didn't ruin the rest of your Junior high days.

You hate it. You hate him. You hate yourself for how he still manages to have this effect on you. How even now, your perfectly sculpted personality seems to crumble around him.

"Yeah", you opt to reply, looking down at the shopping bag in your hands instead of at him.

You're hoping he'll take the hint and despawn from here and from your life forever.

But of course, he doesn't, "How are you? Do you live around here?", he's annoying. The way he smiles is annoying... No, irritating rather.

"No, I don't", you get up. You're tired of this meaningless conversation that's going nowhere. You want to get away from him.

"Is something wrong?", he asks, a mix of confusion and worry painting his features.

Before you can respond, you feel an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you flush against the person's side.

You know who it is. How could you not. He's been all up in your business for the past three weeks now.

"Princess, I'm sorry I took so long~. The line was impossibly long. It didn't help that there were practically no women on the line; I couldn't use my charms to cut in line".

You stiffen at his touch. Of all times, why did he have to show up now. He's the last person you want to see you in this state.

Your eyes momentarily flicker over to Maeda and you notice how perplexed he looked.

Of course he did. He probably can't fathom how the plain looking Y/n Nakano managed to end up with someone like Kaiser.

As if just noticing Maeda's presence, Kaiser turns his attention towards him with a slight tilt of his head. "Oh, my bad. Did I interrupt something?".

He didn't sound sorry at all.

Maeda temporarily looks shocked. He blinks a few times before clearing his throat, "Ah... No. We were just catching up".

Kaiser smiles, one that doesn't quite reach his eyes, "Oh? Are you guys childhood friends?"

"Oh, kinda. We went to the same Junior high"

Scoring Your Heart// Michael Kaiser x reader Where stories live. Discover now