Chapter 2

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"Mr Kim, here's the materials I gathered for the new project we have."

"Thank you, Ms Sam. I really appreciated it."

"Your welcome Sir." She said sweetly.

I used to this tone of my subordinate. Since I started in this company, I attract so much attention from some employees especially from women. Maybe because of my looks. They say I'm so pretty for a guy, but I don't mind it.

I am Lula Kim. I'm a marketing manager of DK Brewery Inc. Branch 3. I've been working as a product promoter here since I graduated from college. And after three years I've been promoted as a assistant marketing manager. After a year the former marketing manager transferred to the main branch so I inherited the position. It's not easy to be in this position especially the CEO is so strict and clever. I'm so burned with this work but I have no choice. I need to live.

I looked Ms Sam when I realized she still in front of me. "Anything else?"

"N-nothing S-Sir. But I wonder if you have plan for tonight? The guys planned to go out. You know bar hopping. If you're interested to come."

"Um... maybe next time. I need to overtime some works."

"O-okey Sir." Ms Sam leave my office sadly.

Actually, I don't have time to hangout this time. After I take a short time break, my work gone overload now a days. I need to do some reports requested by the CEO.

The connected phone ringing. "Yes, hello. Marketing Manager speaking."

"Sir, you have a delivery."

"I didn't remember I ordered anything."

"Its on your name Sir."

"Okey, I'll be there for a minute."

I put down the phone and went to the receptionist area.

"Sir." the receptionist greeted.

"Where is my delivery?"

"Here, Sir." the deliveryman said.

I was shocked when he handed me a bouquet of flowers. "I-is t-this my..."

"Yes Sir. Please sign in here."

I signed even I'm not convinced.
"Thank you."

The delivery man left already but I still stood in my place.

"Sir, What a beautiful bouquet. You're lucky to have a thoughtful person." she said.

I just smile and left. I don't need to explain nor say something.

I put down the bouquet in my table. I'm still wondering who might sent this to me. I never have a lover and I'm not dating anyone now. Maybe the delivery man mistaken. But my name is on it.

"To: Mr Lula Kim

Have a nice day."

That plain and simple. Without any sender name. I pick up the intercom.

"Ms Sam, at my office please."

"Yes Sir?" she asked when she entered my office.

"Do you like flowers?" I asked without hesitation.

"Yes Sir." she said giggling.

"Bring this with you." I said.

"But Sir, I thought it's given to you."

"Yes. But I don't need flowers in my office. They distracting my sight. You can have them."

"But Sir..."

"If you don't want it, you can share them outside."

"Are you sure Sir? They looked beautiful and expensive."


"Okey Sir."

CEO's aloof Lover Where stories live. Discover now