Chapter 6

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After we have our department dinner. They decided to have alcoholic drinks. Although I'm not into it, but I kept them company.

"Mr Kim, are you okey? You look bored." my assistant manager.

"I'm fine. I'm just not used to it."

"Because you always refused to come with us." my secretary said.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"Guys is that the CEO?"

"Is he heading here?"

Its too late to react, when the CEO is already beside me.

"Good evening everyone, no one informed me about this small party here."

"S-sir just a dinner..." my secretary said.

"Can I join?" he asked.

"O-of course S-sir."

"Mr Kim, can I sit beside you?" he asked me.

Everyone looked at me, waiting to my replied. Maybe they could find it rude but I just nod.

They serve him food and drinks while I just ignoring him.

"You're not happy I'm here?" he asked me secretly.

I forced to smile. "Very much happy." I whispered sarcasticly.

He smirked. "I see."

As the night getting dark, everyone starting to get drunk. They begin to get loud and dramatic. So, I decided to go home before they turned me into aid.

"Guys, I'm heading first." I said.

"Why hurried? The night still young. " Mr CEO asked.

"Correct! Let's have more drink Mr Kim."

"I'm sorry, I'm at my limit." I said

"You still look so fine. Still handsome." my secretary said.

"You're already drunk. I think you must go home also."

"Can you drive me home Sir?" she asked in sexy voice. Everyone laughed.

Before I can say something. "No! I need to discuss something to Mr Kim. If you like I call a taxi for you." the CEO interrupted.

"But I want Mr Kim to drive me home..."

"Oh shut..."

"She's just drunk.." I interrupt in what the CEO about to say. " Okey let's go I drop you off."

I carry my secretary to my car. This is why I don't want to go whenever they want to hang out.

"Oh shit, you're so heavy." I said to my drunk secretary.

"Let her in, in the back seat." someone open the door of my car.


"Put her inside. Before I put her in the tunker." he said.

"Why you look mad as if you're the one who got tired from carrying her." I murmured.

"Get in the car." he said and to my surprise he also go inside the front seat.

"Excuse me Sir, where are you going?"

" I accompany you."

"No need. I can take her home. I don't want to bother you."

"Can you just drive?" he said irritated.

I sighed. Why he look pissed? I didn't told him to accompany me.

"Are you always ended up like this? Taking home anyone?"

"No. This is the first time."


"What do you mean better?"


"Are you along the way? I can drop you off too?" I said to change the topic.

"No. I'm on the opposite."

"What? Then what are you doing in my car? I'm too tired to drive you back after this."

"Dont worry I have my driver to tag along."

"Sir, I get it. You don't need to go this far. If you want, I will stop the car and you can take her with you."

"What are talking about?"

"Come on, I'm not born yesterday Sir. You are into my secretary right? You sound mad because you thought we are really close. Don't worry, I don't like her, I mean in romantic way."

"Really? You don't like her?"


"That's good to know."

I saw the CEO waiting for me near my car. "Well, I guess we need to seperate way now Sir. Thank you for accompany me." I said to him after we take my secretary to her place.

"Its okay. What about driving you home?" he asked.

"No need CEO. I can drive home myself." I rejected.

"What if I insisted?" he said again.

"Sir, its already late. Don't bother yourself, we both have work tomorrow. Have a good night and goodbye." I said and quickly go inside of my car. I don't understand him, why he keep pistering me.

Before I start the car, he knock on the window again. I sighed and open the window of my car.

"What it is, Sir?" I said calmly as I can.

"I will convoy you. I just need to see you get home safely."

Oh gosh, I totally annoyed now. "As you pleased Sir." I forced a fake smile before I closed the window. Duri Kang, I started to hate you now.

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