Chapter 49

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After the incident in the black room, I didn't waste time to asked Duri what happened next. I know he has his own way of torturing. I just let him do what he want. And about my father, I know he still considered him as my relative, so he's very careful for that reason.

Suddenly, my phone ring. It's Duri.

"What?" I asked teasing him. He hated when I sound cold to him.

"Hey, what's that? at least try to be sweet on me babe." he protested.

I smile. As expected, his so demanding. "What is it sweetheart?" I asked again, in sweet voice.

"I'm just checking you."

"Come on, why always checking on me as if Im gonna run from you."

"Babe, just in case." he said. I heard him trying to control his laugh.

"I won't dare. I still want live long." I said joking.

"Good. What are you doing?

"I just came back from an appointment. How about you? Where the hell are you now?"

"Im having a business outside."

"Business? What kind of business you're doing right now? Nasty business?"

"Hey, just dirty business babe, not nasty. You know how loyal I am to you."

"You should CEO."

"Come on, there's nothing to get jealous."

"Lately, you always going outside. We didn't see each other often this days."

"I'm just working babe...our shipments are on going now."

"Duri, if..."

"I'm not cheating on you babe. Don't ever think that. I won't do that to you. I love you so much." Duri interrupted my word. "Please bare with me babe, after I've done with this work we have time to visit our mothers grave."

"Im sorry." I apologized for my wronged.

"Its okey babe. I'm happy that I'm able to see how much you love me."


"Yes, Babe?"

"I love you..."

"I love you more, so much babe..."

"Well, I need to get back to my work now."

"Okey, I see you at home babe."

"Duri, please always come back to me safe and kicking."

"I will babe."

After the call ended. I tried to concentrate to my work again. I hate the feeling of being worried whenever Duri is out of no where.

After my work done, I decided go home early. I saw the pool in the backyard last two days. And I want to swim and play there.

"Mr Kim, where are going?" Lucas startle when he saw me quickly stepping down the stair. I brought my towel and my robe.

"On the backyard, I want to use the pool."

"Wait Sir, let me check if it is clean."

"No need. I can take care of it."

He suddenly picked up the radio-phone. "Alerting everyone, Mr Kim will use the pool. Stay away at least 20 meters from the pool. This is warning." Lucas announced.

"What was that?"

"It is boss rule, Sir."

"What? What kind of rule is that?"

"Boss possessiveness."


Lucas just smile. "Go on Sir, enjoy yourself."

As expected, no one guarding the pool area. I felt it just my world, but I like it. Its comfortable for me to swim. I take off my shirt and pant, just my swimming trunk on.

I dive to the water. It's so refreshing. It's been a while since I did this. It's enjoyable to play the water.

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