Chapter 48

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I can't believe Im hearing this with my own ears.

"How pity of you...because of your own insecurities you let an innocent woman suffered. You didn't just contented in stealing her husband." Duri said.

"You did that to my wife?" father asked in shock.

"She's not your wife!" she shouted.

"How could you do that? you promised me you leave them alone after you get the properties."

"Its not my fault, it's your fault. You never loved me, you just used me to your own ambition. I gave you everything but behind that you still care about your family."

"You know that's not true. I abandoned them because of you. Is that not enough for you?"

"You abandoned them because of your ambition, don't blame it all to me you fucking bastard!"

"What a scene." Duri commented. "By the way let do this more exciting.. You two." he pointed the two men. "Since you two want to escape here why don't you do your best.. I want to see the re-enactment. Why don't you do it with her?"

"D-Duri..." I whisper.

"Close your eyes babe. Let your father see it, how your mother suffered."

"No! Don't you dare touch me." the woman histerically said when the two men walking toward her.

"Why? Are you afraid now? I just want you to feel how to be mistreated." Duri said laughing.

"No! Don't go near me." she refused. "Help me." she beg to my father.

"What are waiting? Do it now!" Duri said in authority.

Before I could see the scene, Duri drag me out of the room.

"You don't need to see and heard. Let them enjoy alone." he said.

"Duri..." I'm still  in shocked.

"Let's go out for a date and forget about it."

In the car, I'm still not talking. I felt my body still trembling.

"Are you mad at me?" Duri asked.

"No." I replied.

"Why not talking? Are you scared to me now? "

"Of course not. I'm just too shocked."

"Babe, she did more than I did. She's not good either."

"I know."

"So next time, do you want to be a witness again?"

"No. I won't wished."

Duri laugh. "Did you check your face in the mirror? You look pale."

"Its your fault." I hit his chest to revenge.

He hold my both hand and kiss it. "I hope I didn't scared you babe. You know how this work dirty right?" he said.

I nod.

"Remember, no matter how scary I am, I will always gentle to you babe. I always love you."

"Me too, I love you so much. I don't care about your being a mafia. I just love you Duri."

He crossed the distance between us to give me a gentle kiss. He teased me with small kisses in my lips.

"I think we need to go back home..." he said while heading my hand to his bulge hard dick.

"No, I don't want. You said you gonna date me." I teased.

"Fine. Drop us in the near hotel."
He ordered Mr Ren.

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