~Chapter Seven~

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I'm getting dressed for the day and overheard Mabel say to Dipper "Um, kinda, actually. It's that we are exactly one week away from our 13th birthday!" Mabel pointed her finger at their calendar, Dipper said "Whoa! Our birthday's coming up already? Soon we're gonna be actual teenagers!" Mabel said "Finally! I can stop reading preteen magazines and start reading preteen magazines", Dipper said "PG-13 movies, here I come!" I said to myself 'So it's their birthday. I should do something special for them, but what?' Mabel said "And just one more year until high school. High school, Dipper! Where girls become women and they teach us stuff about...You know what", Dipper said "Trigonometry?" Mabel said "Oh yeah, baby!" Stan and Soos ran up to their room, Stan said while holding his magazine "That's not the only good news coming up! In one week my senior citizen's ponytail kit is coming in the mail. I'm...I'm kinda going through some things" and Soos said "In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed! The future is coming for us all, dudes", Stan, Dipper and Mabel said it at the same time "The Future!"

I was in the living room cleaning up a bit until I heard Mabel say "Alright, party planners. In one week we become teenagers, and our summer vacation winds to an end. So we need to throw the greatest party of all time! I'm talking pinatas with tinier pinatas inside", Soos said "Boom, dreams are coming true!" Mabel said "I'm talking about inviting everyone in town. Let's see, where do we stand with the gnomes?" Before I could say anything, Stan said to Mabel "Not so fast, goofus and girl-goofus. After that zombies incident, no one's throwing another party at my house. I keep finding little bits of the undead in the couch cushions. Plus don't forget that Lynn got attacked by one of the zombies" and I said "Stan has a point, Mabel". Mabel said "But Grunkle Stan, we need some roof to raise", Soos has an idea that Mabel could have her and Dipper's 13th birthday party at the Gravity Falls High School, Mabel said "The gym's a great idea, Soos. To high school!" We all felt the house shake and Ford said "Dipper, Lynn, my face is on fire!" Dipper said "We'll be right back. Come on, Lynn" and I followed Dipper, Dipper said "Great uncle Ford, are you okay?"

Ford wiped his face, which is smoking, with a towel and said "Oh yes, I'm fine. I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly", Dipper said pointing at Ford's face "But your face is on fire" and Ford said and showed us the rift "Yes, it's much faster than shaving. Now, listen, Dipper. I have a very important mission, Lynn and you are the only two who can help me. Remember the rift in dimensional space-time I showed you?" I looked at the rift and said "It's cracking" and Ford said "Exactly, Lynn. This is what Bill has been waiting for. If it breaks, it will cause reality as we know it to completely unravel. A hypothetical and catastrophic event I called 'Weirdmageddon'. Bill is out there, and he'd use any trick, from deception to outright possession, to make this happen. But for the sake of humanity, we mustn't let it" and Dipper asked "Does that mean Lynn is in danger as well?" Ford sighed and said "Yes, but I won't let it happen", he walked up to me and kissed on top of my head. I asked "So, what do we do now?" Ford said "We patch the rift. I'll explain on the way" and Ford grabbed my hand and said "I did mention that the fate of the universe is at stake, didn't I? Hurry, we don't have much time". Dipper put on his backpack and said "Okay, Dipper. It's yours and Lynn's first big mission with Ford. A chance to prove ourselves, don't mess this up".

So, Dipper, Ford and I were still walking until Dipper tried contacting Mabel on the walkie talkie "Mabel? Mabel, are you there? Ugh." Ford said to us "Listen, Dipper and Lynn. In order to seal the rift for good, it's going to take an adhesive stronger than anything on Earth. Something...extraterrestrial in origin". I asked "W-What do you mean?" Ford pointed and said "Dipper and Lynn, look at the peculiar shape made by those cliffs. Does it remind you of anything?" Dipper and I were looking at it, I said "No way" and Dipper said "Hmm...", Ford took out his key chain and started to jingle his UFO keychain and hold it up over the cliffs, we both said it at the same time "Shut. up". Ford explained to us "According to my research, the entire valley of Gravity Falls was formed when an extraterrestrial crash landed here millions of years ago. Did this craft cause the town's strange properties? Or, did the town's strange properties attract the craft? The answer is still unknown" but Dipper said "But, that's crazy! Where did the saucer go?" Ford looked at me and Dipper, while pushing the rock over and said "Sometimes the strangest things in the world are right under our noses. And our feet, in this particular instance. Now you might wanna stand back. This magnet gun can rip the fillings out of a man's mouth from 100 feet". Dipper and I said it at the same time "Whoa!"

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