Chapter Thirty - Final

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After eating that spicy wasabi ice cream, Lay claimed he urgently need to go to the washroom. They way he actually said it was much more disturbing : "I need to go to the washroom to clear my intestines of the defecate it possesses." With that, he hurried to the restrooms and he still hasn't come out after 5 minutes. I took the chance and dialled Suyeong's number.

"Hello? You didn't call me to apologize again right?" She answered after a few rings.

"Well, not exactly..."

"What then?" She asked, a little impatient.

"I have two things to say. First, sorry—"

"Alright! I'm hanging up!"

"Wait no! You didn't hear the second one yet..." Looks like I wasn't going to be able to apologize for making her leave her apartment again...

"Ok fine. If I hear the word sorry, I'm hanging up without warning— Eek!" She shrieked.

"W-what's wrong??" I worriedly asked. I was afraid the gang had gotten a hold of her already.

"CHEEEEEEN!! GET HER AWAY PLEASE!" She shouted so loudly I was sure it burst my eardrums. I was slightly relieved to hear her voice though. I could also hear some faint barking, hinting me that Chenny was fine as well. However that only made me realize one thing.

"Are you skipping school again?" I asked to confirm my suspicion.

"Ah... Well... You're dog may be cute, but she's scary sometimes..." She awkwardly laughed, "Anyways! What were you going to say again?" She changed topics to distract me (she was successful).

"I'm leaving." I blatantly said. The only response I got was silence, which made me worry. Was she disappointed? Did she hate me?

"When are you leaving?" She asked in a monotone voice. I bit my bottom lip,

"Tomorrow morning."

It was silent for a few seconds before she spoke up,


"Can I tell it in person? If I can't tell you in person, I'll call you when I'm in on the— Oh gotta go. Lay's coming." I hurriedly tried to hang up despite my fingers fidgeting from the fear of Lay finding out. I only heard a faint "What! You haven't told him—" before I hung up.

"Sorry it took long. I had some... Problems..." Lay said as he nervously played with his fingers. I eyed him. Was he going to start talking about sanitary problems? I shudder at that thought. He said something before I could continue thinking about weird things,

"My parents are going to be here early and we have to cut the date early. I'm so sorry." He apologetically said, but continued, "If you don't mind, I mean if you want to, it's not like I'm forcing you or anything—" He suddenly stopped talking to look at my face that was slightly disappointed that the date was over already.

"... You want to come with me to pick my parents up?" He suggested with a hint of hope in his voice. The corner of his lips lift a little.

I only gnawed at my lower lip. It felt like as if I was being asked what I would do with the last 24 hours of my life. I definitely wanted to spend part of it— scratch that. I definitely wanted to spend the whole 24 hours with Lay. However, I definitely didn't wanted to meet his parents when I'm just hours away from leaving him. At the same time, if I didn't go with him, I would probably be stressing myself out with the gangs and spending my last hours in this town alone.

He looked at me with his pleading eyes and I took a deep breath before answering him,

"Okay. I'll go with you." I said with a soft smile. His own smile grew wider as he got up and caught my hand to drag me out the ice cream store.

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