Chapter Seventeen

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We finally got back at Lay's apartment and I let myself fall on one of the couch that seemed more comfortable than the other.

"So you want to sleep here?" Lay asked.

"Mhm." I mumbled as I nodded.

"Alright. I just hope you're a light sleeper."

"I'm a heavy sleeper. Not a sound can wake me up." I closed my eyes.

"Then I'll wake you when the guys come back. You won't want them drawing things on your face with a permanent marker." Lay shivered.

I ignored him and snuggled warmly with my hoodie. I heard him walk away and I opened my eyes. After thinking what happened today, I knew. I knew that it was a date even if he doesn't admit it. I knew because Suho once did something similar to this, but Suho admitted it at the end. I ended crying again since just mentioning the name Suho brings back so much memories I cherished for all this time.

Suddenly, I heard some footsteps again and I quickly wiped my tears away and closed my eyes. The footsteps stopped near me and I felt a cool cover over me. I felt the covers up to my neck and I tried not to move too much while I adjusted it over me as if I was actually asleep. When I thought that Lay was gone, I felt a hand cup my cheek and I stiffen at its touch. I felt it wipe away the tears I missed. I cursed myself for missing a few.

"I see you've cried." He sighed quietly.

The thumb continued to caress my cheek.

"I'll make sure you'll won't cry anymore about ex-boyfriends or anything at all. Not even in your dreams. I just hope you'll let me do that." He whispered as he removed his hand from my cheek.

I suddenly felt his breath on my face and hearing what he just said, my tears began to fall again. I've never met a guy like him that cared so much like Suho did.

"Look at you crying again." He sighed once more and I felt a tissue dab my tears away.

"It pains me to see a girl cry in their sleep." He said and caressed my hair.

One of the strands fell to my nose and he carefully placed it behind my ear before leaving. I heard footstep and a door closing and I was sure we wasn't in the room anymore. I open my eyes again and touched the cheek he stroked. His hand was so warm. I don't know if I should tell him that I wasn't actually asleep. I didn't know what to feel in these kind of situations. Emotions are too confusing. I decided to sleep since it seemed like the most logical thing to me. I snuggled with the covers that finally adjusted to my body temperature and drifted off to dreamlands.


I woke up and rubbed my eyes as Lay gently shook me.

"Hey the guys are going to be back soon and I think Chenny needs a walk so she can do her business. She's been rather quiet for a while." Lay said.

"Just open the bathroom door and that problem is fixed. She knows how to use the toilet." I answered as I yawned.

"You taught her how to do that?" He asked as he went to open the bathroom door with Chenny following behind.

After a second or two, I heard the toilet flush and Lay's exclamation.

"Soomi. You have the awesomest dog. Ever." He said when he came back to the living room.

He was gently holding Chenny in his arms while she tried to wriggle out of his embrace. The door swung open and the guys walked in casually when Lay stopped them with Chenny still in his arms.

"Yo guys. Soomi's dog is the awesomest thing ever. It knows how to use the toilet." He exclaimed with sparkling eyes.

"Uh. Okay..." Luhan said a little startled by him.

"You guys are no fun." Lay said, disappointed with his reaction.

Chenny took the chance to escape his embrace and run on to my lap. I pet her and smelled her.

"Ugh. You need a bath Chenny." I wrinkled my nose.

"Oh ROOMIE!" Suyeong pointed at me. "Since you're here, let move your stuff to my place now. Chenchen~" she turned to Chen with fluttering eyes.

"Oh no it's the eyes again." He sighed. "What is it this time?"

"Soomi! Get your bags!" She chimed as she turned to me.

I threw the covers of me and walked over to the end of the couch where I left my bags. I carefully lifted one since I knew I shouldn't make my injury worse, although it has been healing very well. Suyeong took one of the bags and threw it at Chen. He barely caught it and he widen his eyes when Suyeong was about to throw him another bag.

"Heh~ just kidding~ I'm not going to make you a slave." She grinned.

Almost forgetting, I attached the leash to Chenny and grabbed my backpack with every single school thing I needed and packed. Seeing me attach the leash, Suyeong beamed.

"Yes! The husky is going to live with us!" She pumped her hands in the air.

Chenny barked upon hearing her bright voice and it startled Suyeong, making her run to Chen and hug him with one arm since the other was holding one of my bag.

"Chenny! Bad girl! No barking!" I scolded.

She whined and lay on the ground looking dejected.

"Aw don't scold her. She isn't just used to see Suyeong that much." Lay said as he crouched down to pet Chenny.

Chenny got up and nuzzled against Lay as if she was a cat.

"Chenny down." I said.

She ignored me and Lay continued to pet her. I pouted and quickly went over to Suyeong who was holding the bag containing the dog treats. I dug through it and when I finally found the pack with the treats and shook it.

"Look Chenny! It's mister pickle's minions!" I said.

The dog immediately stopped nuzzling against Lay and ran towards me with her mouth open. Before she could grab the pack and rip it open with her mouth (she did that once and it was horrifying), I quickly stood and made sure she couldn't reach it.

"Behave." I ordered and she sat down and wagged her tail. "Good."

I threw a treat in the air and Chenny jumped and caught it.

"I swear, that is the awesomest dog. Throw it again." Lay tried grabbing the treat bag.

"No! She'll gain weight and be lazy!" I hugged the bag to my chest.

"Can we get going now? I don't have all day." Chen complained.


It's back to short updates again.
Also slightly disappointed with the lack of comments last chapter too despite trying my initiative to talk with you guys. I wonder if you even read these author notes...

No worries! Gotta keep my positivity! Although pretty much nothing happened in this chapter (okay maybe there's that part where Lay confesses things to a "sleeping" Soomi). I got chapter eighteen almost completely written on draft and I'm so excited to write nineteen! And it seems like my schedule this week isn't hectic at all so maybe more updates!! But I don't promise anything so don't expect anything either. I don't want to give false hopes to anyone (@ExoLPinkPanda sorry again to that update comment thingy two chapters ago, still guilty here).



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