Chapter Three

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I arrived at my classroom and sat down at my desk. I prepared my books for the lesson and flipped the pages for fun.

"Having fun?" my seat partner asked.

"Y--" I cut when I turn to look at him. "Why are you here?" I groaned.

"It's my seat here." Lay said.

I gathered my stuff and stood up.

"Hey, class is starting soon. Where are you going?" he asked.

"Somewhere you can't bother me." I said and walked off.

I walk along the hallways wondering where I should go. Back to class is not an option. I don't want to be questioned. Home is also not a choice since my parents will just nag me for ditching class. I decided on exploring the town. I would have to get to know city if I'm planning on finding a good place to stay to avoid people. I slipped out of the building and found the little hidden escape hole between the fences. I walk away from school and into the busy roads of town where I would be sure I will enjoy.

After a few hours, I found myself on a road with pretty arts painted on the walls. I could see that there was some tourists wandering around with their camera dandling from the neck. Their straw hats that matched the place very well. It felt refreshing and I happily skipped forward. Suddenly, my bag's zipper got caught by a small chalkboard standing in front of a arts and crafts store. I untangled it and my eyes read what was written on the board. "Making things with clay is a special activity available each Friday here." Curious, I walk in the store. I let my eyes roam the colorful strings on sale and the tiny decorations and the crafts displayed on the numerous shelves in the shop.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the shop owner said.

"Hmm... I came to ask about the clay thing on the board at the entrance. Why is it special?" I said.

"You are one curious young lady." the owner laughed. "Call me Han, miss."

"Okay... Han... Can you tell me about it in more details please?" I asked.

"It's no fun if I just tell it to you. You'll just have to come and see." Han said. "You'll have to leave your name at the cashier and that way you can participate in it. You can bring one friend every time you come."

"Oh. Okay." I replied and wrote my name.

"Park Soomi. I'll remember you well." the owner said before disappearing behind the shop.

The next day was Friday, so I'm planning on coming tomorrow after... School...

I shrugged the thought away and decided to head home since it was the time when most students are done with classes. When I arrived, I was warmly welcomed. Not by my parents, but my dog Chenny. She's been my most loyal best friend I ever had. No matter where I went, she always followed me.

"Chenny. How are you? Are you hungry? Are you thirsty?" I asked her.

She barked happily and quickly pulled on my bag with her mouth. I drop my bag to the floor and she carries it by her food bowl. I follow and she wages her tail as she turn to me.

"I knew you were hungry girl." I said and patted her head.

I went towards the unfamiliar shelf and scooped a handful of dog food that went to her bowl afterwards. She starts eating and I bent down to pat her head as I watch her.

"Soomi! You're home! How was your first day of school?" my mother exclaimed as she walked in the kitchen.

As soon as she reaches a chair, she pulls out a tablet from her bag and looks at it.

"You wouldn't even care even if I said that I was expelled." I sighed.

"Oh that nice to know that it was good." she mumbled while slowly nodding her head and her eyes still on the device.

When Chenny finished, I stomped my way to my room with Chenny following. I let myself fall on my bed and groaned in the pillow. I hate that my parents are constantly working. Ever since I started living with them, it's like living with a bunch of machines. They expressed barley any love towards me unlike my grandmother that I dearly love.

"Chenny, how do you think is grandma doing up there?" I asked.

"Arf!" she answered.

I smile and patted her head as she wagged her tail happily.

"Do you want to go on a walk?"

She barked and eagerly left the room. She came back after a few seconds with her leash between her teeth. I smiled widely and quickly hopped off the bed. Screw homework. It's my first day and I don't want to burdened by it. I grab my wallet and attached the leash to Chenny's collar. I skipped to the living room to get my phone where I left it this morning. After tucking it into my pocket, I go out the front door and started running towards somewhere I wasn't familiar with.

Luckily, I ended up at a park. I let Chenny go free and she starts running around going here and there. I slowly stroll around while keeping an eye on Chenny. I wouldn't want a lost dog, but I think she's experienced enough to not go too far since she's been to many different places before. Suddenly, a bee flies out of no where and I start freaking out and running away. I cried as it wouldn't leave me alone. When the bug was finally out of my sight, I lean against a tree and find my breath. I finally calmed down and continued my little stroll. I watch as the leaves dances with the wind and the patchy yellow grass matches their color with the trees. Even though the scenery is calm and beautiful, I felt as if something was missing. I scratched my head trying to figure it out when it finally hit me. Chenny. She's not anywhere to be seen. I grew worried and started running to parts of the park where I haven't been to.

"Chenny! Chenny!" I called as I cup my hands around my mouth to amplify my shout.

I reached a soccer field as I ran towards the open space I spotted. I have no idea why this park has a soccer field, but that's not my priority now. I have to look for Chenny. I wandered to the middle of the field when I spot a dog following someone really familiar. I walk towards the two figures and I finally recognized Chenny.

"Chenny!" a cry of relief escaped my lips.

I run towards her as she happily run to me. As we reach each other, I patted her as if I haven't seen her in a month.

"I was so worried. I won't let a bee distract me next time." I said.

"Arf!" her barked and licked my face.

I giggled as I took notice of the person Chenny was following.

"I felt like I just watched a couple being reunited after a long period." he chuckled.

"Lay." I said.

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